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I was woken up early the next morning by security telling me my husband was at the gate. I let him in and waited at the door. "Look at you." He said when he got off the elevator. "You're beautiful. Have I ever told you that?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Good morning." He had a bunch of roses in his hand. "Good morning. It's your night. You can't chase me away." He went in for a kiss. "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."
"I don't care. Now kiss me woman." I obviously complied even after yesterday's mess.

We kissed, and I let him in. "Aren't you supposed to be going to work?" He followed me into my room so I to brush my teeth and wash my face. "I am, but I'm the boss. I'll go in whenever I want to. You didn't take the flowers." He said, showing me the bunch of roses in his hand. I was in the middle of brushing my teeth, so I just and rinsed my mouth. "You didn't give them to me." He came up behind me and put his arm around my waist. "You are a very complicated woman. Did you know that?" He started kissing my neck. "I did and so did you when you married me." He chuckled. "Well, these are for you."

He gave me the flowers and continued kissing my neck. I stopped him before things went too far. "I actually came here to talk but now I need a cold shower." I just chuckled. "Come, let's go. I'll make tea." I walked but he didn't follow me. I looked back and he was just standing there awkwardly. "I was serious. Go make the tea. I'll join you in a little bit." And I actually left him there.

I did feel a little bit guilty about not being intimate with him even though my doctor said that we could. It wasn't like I didn't want to. I really did but I was a bit scared. One minute I was healthy and the next I was going into heart failure. With my luck I would probably die of a heart attack during sex and Senzo would be traumatized for life.

I was sitting on the balcony waiting for him. I still needed to clean out here and I needed more furniture than just this table and chairs. Senzo joined me and took a sip of his tea. "I wanted to talk about yesterday. How do you feel about it?" I shrugged. "At this point what's done is done. All of us need to find a way forward. However, what you need to do is speak to your family. They might kiss your ass but they don't respect us or our boundaries. They're toxic and abusive and I for one do not want to be around them." He sighed. "I know. I'm just so mad and I don't trust myself enough not to completely loose it around them after everything they've done. But i do need to speak to them. I think I'llrake MaKhumalo with me. That one fears nothing and no one." We both laughed a little bit.

There was a small pause before he continued. "You didn't seem happy yesterday when I explained how I married everyone."
"I wasn't. At first I was a bit angry that you met me first, proposed to me first, but married me last. So many things could've been different." He nodded. "But, at that point my life was a mess. Your life was a mess. A lot was going on. That's the story of our marriage I guess."

"Can you believe we would've celebrated three years of marriage and we have not had one year of peace. The night in the hotel after the ceremony we had to rush to the hospital and found out you were pregnant. You spent six months in and out of hospital and then it was the accident and our baby passed away. You went to live with your grandmother and when you came back I acted a complete fool. Then there was the fake coma and then the real coma. This past December we've missed our third anniversary. Can you believe we've been married for three years?" I just shook my head. "And we've been through enough trauma for three lifetimes." I added and we laughed. It was true. We've been through way too much together.

"I've been an idiot the entire time. I regret a lot of my actions. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you and all of the other wives. For the rest of my life I'm going to spoil you and show you off to the world. It going to get so bad that when I buy you a two story mansion you will be ungrateful and complain that it doesn't have a third floor and a built in spa. I want you to be so spoilt that when I buy you a new sports car you get mad because it's not the colour you asked for." I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey, careful what you wish for." I added. "Okay, but one day when I complain about you being spoilt you remind me about this moment and then I'll import the proper colour car because this is what I wanted." I just laughed as he made example after example.

He eventually went to work but just as I was kissing him goodbye the wives pulled up followed by two other cars. "What's going on?" I asked him because they had their music on and we're singing loudly. "The spoiling starts today. Enjoy." He placed a small kiss on my lips and got in his car. I waved when he drove off. The wives got out of the car so happy that I thought they were drunk. MaKhumalo was obviously filming everything and I stood there looking crusty in a silk pajamas and headwrap.

"What's going on?" I asked her and she switched the phone around so we could both be in the shot. "Spa day! Come Makoti! Have some fun for a change." The ladies got out of their cars and gathered the equipment. "Okay, but you guys need to be quiet. You're going to scare my neighbors." We all went upstairs to my apartment. "Don't worry about food my chef is on the way." MaKhumalo said setting up her camera's. "I'm vlogging ladies. Does anyone have an issue with that." We all said no and I went to go and take a shower while everything was being set up.

The day was amazing. I had a massage, after clearing it with my doctor of course, I had a manicure and pedicure, a facial, and I had my hair done. The chef prepared special food for me that was absolutely delicious and fit into my diet. The ladies left that afternoon completely drunk from all the drinks they had. A driver had to come fetch them. The chef stayed and cooked dinner for Senzo and I while I got ready. A package arrived with a short red dress and shoes. Okay, I get where this is going. Would I be able to do this? Also this dress would just put my scar on display and I was not ready for that. Even if I were to cover it with plaster I would still not be comfortable.

I went in my closet and got one of my older dresses that I never got to wear. It was tight fitting nude dress but the neckline came all the way up to my neck and it had long sleeves. I looked fine but I know it's not what he wanted. I was lying I looked good. Through all the trauma not once did I lose my ass. I laughed in the mirror at my realization. This ass resulted in a lot of haters during my teenage years. I put on a pair of heals and some makeup and wait for my husband.

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