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The day of the meeting came and I was extremely nervous. My hands were sweaty and I didn't know what to do with myself.

My aunt dressed me in a skintight long sleeve floor length dress and nude heels. She let me borrow her new bob wig even though my head would be covered by a headwraps. I put some light makeup on and for the first time in forever I felt pretty again.

I was sitting outside the main house. I knew Senzo was rich but I didn't know how rich until I saw this house. It was a massive mansion. It seemed like it was made out of glass but you couldn't really see through it. There was a long driveway and at the end of it was a water fountain. The steps leading up to the house seemed like they went on forever and I had never seen a door that big before.

One of the elders came out to tell me they were ready for me. I followed him up the steps and the huge door was opened for us. Right as we walked in a lifesize painting of Mbali and Senzo hung reminding everyone that she was in charge here.

I felt like we were walking down the white corridor forever until we got to the living room. All his wives besides Mbali were sitting on the floor on grass mats to the left of him. He seemed to be sitting on a chair that could only be described as a throne with Mbali sitting on a matching chair beside him. His elders filled the seats on either side while there laid a lone grass mat in front of all of them.

"You can not be serious." One of the wives said and sounds of disapproval came from the three of them. "The maid, Dlamini? The maid?" Another one of them asked disgusted. "Shut up! Shut up man! For once in your life know your place!" One of the elders shouted at them. I could tell Senzo was frustrated by the sigh he let out.

"My elders and wives I would like to introduce to you my newest wife and the newest member of our family, Thandi Bhengu." The elders wives ulilated while my sister wives stared at me in disgust.

"MaBhengu I would like to formally introduce to you my first wife Mbali Khumalo, or MaKhumalo, but you will address her as Mamkhulu. To my left is my second wife Gladys Cele, or MaCele. Next to her is LisaKhanya Mlambo, or MaMlambo. At the end there is Zinhle Gumede, MaGumede."

After formal introductions we all had a very awkward lunch. If looks could kill I would've been dead within seconds. After lunch Senzo took me outside to a beautiful garden. There were waterfalls and statues all over and the flowers were just beautiful.

"Dlamini." I couldn't help the smile on my face. "The first time I saw you I acted like a fool. I accused you of unspeakable things and once again I am sorry for that." I rolled my eyes playfully and he chuckled. "You turned my world upside down. I had never seen a woman more beautiful than you. I love you MaBhengu." A tear escaped from my eyes. 

He let go of my hands and got on one knee. I gasped when I saw the ring. It was a different ring from the one before. I had never seen a diamond that big before. "I always thought I knew what love is but you've taught me the real meaning. Thandi Bhengu, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

I let out a shaky breath and nodded. "Yes." Was all I could get out. I heard songs of celebration coming from his family behind us as he place the ring on my finger. He got up and we kissed. I didn't care about the other wives glaring at us. He didn't need to do this but he still did. And that meant a lot to me.

I looked behind me towards the family and my aunt and Thabo appeared out of nowhere. Everyone congratulated me. I didn't even notice the photographers the whole time. They took more pictures and then we went inside. We had a dinner and luckily this time I was allowed to sit by Senzo. We held hands the entire time.

I thought I would get to stay and spend the night but the wives insisted on me leaving with my aunt. Mbali was outnumbered and they were adamant I leave. I said my goodbyes and left with my aunt. We squealed and spoke about the day all the way home. That night a fell asleep looking at my ring.

I was in the back hanging up the baby's clothes to dry when ma called me. "Your husband is here with his wife and mother. They want to talk to us." I took a grass mat and went to join them in our living room.

"I'll cut right to the chase. We want our Makoti to move in with us. We know all the marriage rites haven't been completed but we would like for her to come stay with me permanently." MaRadebe said. My aunt cleared her throat. "I must admit I thought we'd have more time but I think I'll leave the decision up to Thandi." My aunt said and the room got silent.

"Makoti? What do you say?" I couldn't exactly say no and if I wasn't going to move in I still needed to look after ma. I would be right next door and I could come back here at anytime. "Yebo ma. I'll move in with you." She was extremely excited.

In the next couple of days I was packing all of my belongings. I felt stupid for being sad about it. I was literally moving in next door.  It was weird seeing my room so empty. My aunt and I laid down on my bed together. "We need to stop being so dramatic." She said and I laughed. "I know. Even though I'm only moving in next door it's still going to be weird not seeing you first thing in the morning."

"Knock knock!" It was Senzo. I sighed and got up to open the door. "Are you ready?" I just nodded and he took all my bags next door. Like always people in the street were staring and they wanted to know what was happening. Especially since they haven't seen me out in forever.

When I got in the house I walked to Senzo's room but ma was there taking all his clothes out of the cupboard. "You're here. We have a lot of work to do. We're moving all of my things in here and then you can pack your things in the main bedroom."

I was confused. "Ma?" She looked at me expecting me to carry on. "Are you sure? That's your room and I don't want to put you out." She just smiled. "No, you're not putting me out. You're the lady of the house now. You and your husband should have the main room. After my husband passed that room never felt the same anyway. It's yours now."

Halfway through helping Ma move her things I needed to take a break. My back was killing me. I took a seat on the bed. "Are you okay?" I just nodded. "I'm fine. I just need to sit a little bit. I got my medication from my bag and took some. Ma made tea and sandwiches which she wouldn't let me help make.

"I'm supposed to be making you tea Ma." I said taking a sip of the tea. "It's no big deal. You need to rest a bit. Where did Senzo go?" She asked taking a sip of her tea. "He had to go back into the office but he said he'll be back tonight." She nodded. When we were done eating we got back to it. We finished up most of the packing and then I got started on dinner.

Senzo came home just in time and we ate together like a family.

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