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Results were out. I worked really hard but I wasn't too sure about my marks. The exams were difficult, and I needed to pass. Otherwise, my father would drag me back to the village and make my life a living hell.

My father wasn't exactly the father of the year. He was a very violent man, and he was power-hungry. This probably stems from our family heritage. My father was the chief of the village he stayed in. The village wasn't even all that big but he thought he was king of the world. He ruled that place with an iron fist.

After my mom's passing, my aunt brought me to the city to escape from him. He did eventually find us, but my aunt convinced him I would get a better education here. There's nothing better about it. I was living in the township with my aunt and her two babies. The one was two years old, the other eleven months old, and she was pregnant again.

They all had the same father, and he kept on saying he would make my aunt his second wife. Three sons later, and still nothing. He always complained about his first wife only giving him girls. So, on weekends, when he came here, he would be the happiest man I've ever seen, and the money he was giving my aunt was enough for us to live comfortably. I knew rhat when I fetch married I would need to give my husband a son as soon as I could.

I was supposed to go back to my village when I was sixteen but my aunt and I convinced my dad it was a good idea for me to stay. My dad had big plans for me. The start and end of my future would be marriage. My aunt made a deal with him to teach me all there is to being a traditional Zulu wife in exchange for me staying at home. And she kept that promise. I was trained daily. I needed to be strong and fit for chores on a homestead. I needed to be able to cook and clean and maintain a house as well as a hut. I knew everything there was to know about tradition and being a traditional wife. My aunt also taught me how to take care of myself and to make sure I stayed looking young and beautiful.

I was extremely sexy and I developed breasts and curves at a very young age. Men drooled all over me. I kept my waist thing and my ass fat. People pay millions to get a body like mine. And I show it off. As much as I liked my body, it got me into a lot of trouble. The girls at school hated me. They bullied me from the moment I started developing curves. It was so bad that sometimes it got physical but luckily I was done with school.

In my culture, it was common practice to remain a virgin until marriage, and my father expected me to uphold that tradition. In fact, it was one of the only things keeping me here. Recently, however, there was a little mishap. I was at a party and I met a cute guy. I was a little bit tipsy, and things wet a bit too far. It was only a matter of time until my father found out, so we were trying everything in our power to avoid him.

Every month, I go for a virginity test, and we send the results back home. My aunt pays a doctor to fake it, but the doctor still requires I take a pregnancy test. It was annoying, but it was the only thing keeping me here. Otherwise, I would be back in that damn village doing chores.

"Ma, I don't want to go to that school. Can't you just go fetch my results for me? I don't like those people." I complained, taking an apple from the fruit bowl. "Thandi, you're already dressed." She replied, looking me up and down. I just sighed and said my goodbyes.

I didn't take a bag because I wouldn't need it. I was just collecting my results, and then I would be done with school forever. I waved to my neighbors as I walked by. They were an elderly couple. I helped them after school with a few chores and sometimes a few errands they couldn't get to. I heard a lot about their son. He was some businessman in the city. I had never seen him but I would love to meet him. If I could find a husband here in the city, a husband of my choice, a husband who would give me a nice life, then I wouldn't have to worry about my father.

My neighbors treated me like their own granddaughter. I loved them like they were my grandparents. When I first came to the city, they took care of me while my aunt worked. Now that they're getting too old to take care of themselves, I go to their house every day and help with anything they need.

It was sad that their son never visited them, but they spoke about him all the time. They were really proud of him. I just wished he would show his face sometimes. His father is not doing that well. The old man is very weak these days and there was nothing much we could do.

I went to school and minded my business. Luckily, it wasn't a full day. We just collected our results, and that was it. I passed well, so I was hoping that would be enough motivation for me to stay in the city, but I could only hope.

My aunt was on the phone with my father. She told him about my results and then started spewing lies too. Most likely, so I could continue staying here. "Brother, she's doing well. It would be a shame if she went home. She's a great example for all the girls here in the township. She got a few elders together to start virginity classes just like the ones we have back home, and she plays an important part in it. You know she's taking care of our elderly neighbors, and she's talking about getting a job. She has big dreams, brother, and those dreams are led by the ideals you instilled in her. Are you really going to crush her dreams now?" I was laughing into my hand in the background.

"He wants to talk to you." She handed me the phone. "Sawubona, Baba." I greeted my dad. "My little princess. Your aunt has been telling me all about your efforts with those girls in the city, and I'm proud of you. I was afraid that her ways might influence you, but I see that you're strong. I'm very proud of you, Princess. You can stay with your aunt permanently but I have one condition. I will send one of my own people to come confirm that you are a virgin, and then you can stay as long as you like."

My eyes went wide. I was in huge trouble.

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