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The next morning I wanted to dress in some of my old clothes. This whole time I had only been wearing traditional makoti outfits. I kept trying on old clothes but all of it was stretched out from when I was pregnant. Nothing fit me and I was upset.

I just grabbed a long sleeve top with a stretched out stomach and put on a long traditional skirt and apron. I tucked the top as much as I could. "What did the clothes do to you this morning?" Senzo asked when he woke up to find me shoving my clothes in black bags. "They don't fit." I was mad. Getting new clothes wasn't a problem but I loved my clothes. They made me me. My clothes and I have been through a lot.

"Baby we can get new clothes." I sighed. "I know. I'm just mad. I was really attached to those clothes. Some of those clothes got me kicked out of church." I said and he chuckled. "I bet it was that red dress. The tight one with the low neckline."
"How did you know?" I joked. "I guess I was going to have to start dressing more conservatively anyway." I took a seat on the bed. "Yes, but not too conservatively." He said winking and I just rolled my eyes.

I went to the kitchen and made a simple breakfast. Nobody was out of their rooms yet so I decided to go sweep the front yard when I smelled the most heavenly aroma. I followed the smell out the gate and saw a lady making and selling corn up the road. She was grilling them on a fire and the smell was filling the whole neighborhood.

A child eating a piece walked by me. "Sawubona Nana."
"Sawubona Ma." She answered back and in that moment I realized my social standing has changed. I was no longer sisi. I was Ma. "How much was that?" She told me the price and said that the lady was selling uncooked ones as well. I thanked her and she left.

"Baba, I need money for corn please. A lady is selling them outside." He went into his work bag and passed me something. It was heavy. When I looked down at the huge stack of cash in my hand I dropped it like it was on fire and screamed running into the kitchen.

"What is it now?!" Ma and MaKhumalo came running out of their rooms with Senzo following them laughing his head of with the stack of money in his hand. "It's not funny." He held onto his stomach. Tears ran down his face as he laughed. "You asked for money. Here's the money." I took a step back when he took a step forward. "To buy corn. Not a house." He continued laughing. "Why are you scared of it. It's just money."

He finally stopped laughing. "I'm not scared of money. You shouldn't be carrying that much cash on you. We're going to get robbed. Stop doing weird rich people stuff." He chuckled. "Will you please take the money." I just glared at him. "I'll take some of it." He put it on the table and I took a hundred rand. "Does anyone else want corn?" I asked awkwardly and they nodded.

I went to buy some and I didn't even wait till I got home to eat mine. It was delicious. "Baba! No man!" The money was still on the counter. "What did I do now?" I point to the cash and he just threw his hands up. "Its not mine. Last I checked I gave it to you." I took the stack of cash and put it in a lunch box and put it in the freezer.

"This is not normal." He said shaking his head. "Having so much cash is not normal. We live in the township. Yes, the nice part but it's still in the township. Stop rich people(ing)." He laughed again. "I don't know why you're going on with me. You're a "rich people" also." I rolled my eyes. "No I'm not." I took plates out to serve the corn. "Yes you are. As soon as I paid lobola you started 'rich people(ing)' with the rest of us."

I just sighed. "Should I heat some of last night's meat for you with the corn?" He nodded excitedly and took a seat. My phone started beeping. I was getting a lot of notifications. I checked my phone and my eyes went wide. "What is it? Is something wrong?" I shook my head and took a seat. I gave him my phone.

Ma and MaKhumalo came to join us at the table. "What is it? Why are you two quiet all of a sudden?" I didn't know what to say. Everytime I'm just a little bit distracted a reminder that I lost my baby pops up. "You okay?" I nodded. "The road accident fund just paid out." He told the others. It wasn't a bad thing but money wouldn't fix this. It wouldn't fix any of this.

"That usually takes a couple of years. How did it happen so quickly?" Ma asked and I put the kettle on. "I called in a few favours. Darrell's family is dependent on him and he can't work anymore because of his leg injury." I forgot all about the driver. So much happened that I didn't even ask about him. "How is he? I never even asked." I took a seat at the table with them. "Recovering slowly."

MaKhumalo just spent breakfast with us then she had to go check on the arrangements for MaCele's dinner. "MaBhengu, I'm bored. Do you want to go shopping since all your clothes are not wearable?" I was busy cleaning out the fridge. "Oh, we need some more groceries." Ma said and went into her room. "Here's my list. Add whatever you think is needed." I guess I was going shopping.

I didn't want to go but I guess I need to get out of the house at some point. I looked for a more modern dress between all the traditional outfit I got at my membeso ceremony. I found one and put on a pair of heels. I threw on a wig and put on a headwrap matching my dress over it.

"You look beautiful." He came up close to me. I didn't know how to react. I haven't touched him in months. Months! "Baby, can I please hold you?" I nodded and we hugged. "I missed you." I admitted before we left.

"So you're having another baby." I mentioned on our way to the mall. "Yes. She's three months along." He said awkwardly. "I'm happy for you. I really am." A small smile appeared on his face. "Thank you."

We spent hours in the mall. Everything I liked Senzo made me get in every colour. I had more pairs of shoes than ever in my life. We got groceries afterwards and then we went home.

The next day was MaCele's dinner at Baba's main house. The last time I was there was when I was introduced as the new wife. "Before we go. I have something for you." He gave me a small velvet box and when I opened it I found a ring. "Baba, it's beautiful." He put it on for me. "I realized that I never got you a new one after the accident." I hugged him and thanked him again.

The dinner went smoothly. Everyone surprisingly behaved themselves. They obviously have created bonds and friendships in my time away so I was mostly sitting by myself sipping wine. "You look bored." MaCele came to sit next to me. I just chuckled. "Congratulations." I said to her. "Thank you. How have you been since you've been back?" She asked and I knew she was just trying to make conversation. "I've been adjusting but I'm getting there. It's nice being home." She nodded and we spoke for a little while longer until conversation ran out and she spoke to someone else.

"You've been awfully quiet." I didn't know why MaGumede is always on my case. Wasn't she MaMlambo's minion? Even MaMlambo grew out of the hating Thandi phase. "When have I ever been loud?" She had a sinister look on her face. "You're right. You're not loud. Except for this one time when your baby died. You screamed pretty loud then." Without even thinking I threw my wine in her face and she did the same to me. She grabbed me by my dress and threw me to the floor. She was about to punch me when someone pulled her off.

"She threw her wine at me first!" She screamed and everyone looked at me as if I was the psycho. "Seriously? Are we children?" MaKhumalo asked looking disappointed. "She started it." Was all I could say wiping wine off my face.

"Let's go." I almost rolled my eyes at Senzo. What in his right mind would make him think I would just randomly throw wine at people for no reason.

"Baba..." I could even finish my sentence. "No. Get in the car." I did as he said and we drove home in silence.

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