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As if my day wasn't bad enough, my father called. I just knew it was bad news because he called directly to my phone. He's never called directly to my phone.

"Thandi, we need to talk. I'm running short on cash. What do you still have left from this months salary?" He was out of breath and he didn't sound like his authoritative self. "I didn't use much I think I have about four thousand left. Maybe a little less."

He groaned. "I need more! Shit! Do you remember bab'Mkhize? A couple of months ago he asked for your hand in marriage but he couldn't afford your bride price. If I agree to his price I can use that money." My eyes went wide. Why would he do this to me. Then I got an idea. I had money save up. I didn't know what I was saving it for but I save it.

"Baba, I have money. I've been saving it since I started working. Please baba don't make me get married to that man. I'll give you all of it. It's everythingive made since starting work. I promise. I'll go to the bank early tomorrow morning and pay it in. Please baba." I read him my balance and he seemed pleased with the amount.

As promised I went to the bank early to get him his money. It was everything. Literally everything I've ever had. I didn't use any of my money since working. I usually gave my dad his half and saved the rest. I was living with my aunt and didn't really need anything so I saved it. To make matters worse my father now wanted everything. He took all of my savings and now he wants my whole salary every month.

"Thandi, finally. Mbali went out and bought food. I don't know if she's trying to send me to an early grave." Mbali rolled her eyes. "Sorry I'm later than I said ma. The line at the bank was longer than I expected. I'll make something to eat now." Mbali was eyeing me the whole time.

"Bank? Why did you need to go do at the bank?" It was Senzo and I didn't have the energy to even speak to him. "Something came up and I had to get there urgently." I said taking out food to cook for ma. "Anyway, the kids will be here in a couple of hours. All I've been hearing about is chicken nuggets since they came home. So, will you please make them these chicken nuggets they can't stop talking about." I just nodded.

I didn't know what to expect from her. How can she act as if everything's normal after she saw her husband give me a ring. I made everything and then got to cleaning.

"Sisi!" The girls ran in and hugged me. "Hi." I greeted and hugged back. I gave them their food and they were extremely excited. I sat with them for a little bit but got back to work. My hands needed to be busy otherwise my thoughts would run wild. 

"My love." I sighed. I was outside hanging up the laundry. "I'm not going to push you to make any decisions. In fact I want to give you space and time. I just wanted to keep you in the loop. With added wives transparency is key. But before I get to what I want to tell you would you please make me some coffee and if there's still some left some of those nuggets the kids have been raving about."

I went into the kitchen and got what he wanted and served him. "Come sit." I didn't want to but I sat down anyway. I grabbed a grass mat and sat in front of him. "The DNA results came back. Both babies are mine." I just ran a finger across the grass mat trying to distract myself.

"Gladys is my late wife's sister. I had an agreement with her and the family that after six months of mourning I would marry her and she would step in as Chumisa's mother. I didn't fullfil those promises so I will make her my second wife. 
LisaKhanya, is one of the women I met in the village. She's seven months pregnant. She's further along than Zinhle who is five months pregnant. So I'll marry LisaKhanya and she'll become my third wife. Then I'll marry Zinhle and she'll become my fourth wife.
All of this is happening next month in small traditional ceremonies."

I kept my head down and kept drawing patterns on the mat. "My dream is to have five wives. I'm hoping that you'll see that this doesn't affect my love for you at all.  I'm hoping that you'll be my fifth wife. But right now I know you need time. This situation would overwhelm anybody. I'll wait for you."

We sat there in awkward silence until he spoke again. "That night I asked you to marry me you said you loved me." I just sat there awkwardly. "If you can look me in the eye right now and tell me you don't love me  I'll let all of this go. If you can't you'll hear from me after the weddings. So? Can you say it?"

What was he trying to do? What happened to space and time. Two things I actually need because my life wasn't making sense.

My aunt was in such a good space that I didn't want to bother her with my father's drama. She didn't even know I was giving him half. If she knew I gave him all my savings and promised my whole salary she would freak out and get me in trouble.

"Exactly, you can't say it so by the end of next month I'll be going to your family to pay your bride price." He was adamant, but this would solve everything. It would, but I was scared. A polygamous marriage with two wives is already so bad. What will happen with five? All five of those wives have children. Would I be expected to have children immediately?

I know it's either marry Senzo or be married off to some weird guy in the village.
Even though the choice seemed obvious I didn't know what to do and I was trying to delay making the decision as long as possible.

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