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That night my back pain was almost unbearable. Baba stayed up with me for as long as he could but eventually fell asleep. Laying down wasn't working for me so I got up and made myself a cup of camomile tea.

I was sitting on the couch. I had one of the pillows on my lap and I laid on stretching my back so the muscle spasms I was having wouldn't be that bad. I sipped on my tea and Ma came in.

"Thandi? Is everything ok?" I just nodded. "Don't you want to go lay down rather?"
"No , Ma. This position is helping." She seemed worried and confused. "Should I get you something for the pain?" I shook my head. "I already took something. I'm just having some tea. Maybe it'll help." She went into her room and came back with a Bible.

"I know you don't go to church but let's pray." She took my hand and went on and on and on. I finished my tea while she prayed. At some point I dosed off. I don't know if it was the tea, the pain medication, or her constant talking but I was grateful. "Be carefully Senzo." I heard Ma say. I was being lifted into bed. "I've got her ma. She's okay."

"No she's waking up and you almost bumped her head." I was a bit drowsy but still fully conscious. Ma said goodnight and our light went out. The door closed and Baba got into bed. "I love you." I said with my eyes closed snuggling up to him. "I love you too." I felt him kiss my forehead.

"Do you still find me attractive?" Words were just falling out of my mouth. I couldn't stop myself. "If course I do baby. Do you know how difficult it is to control myself around you?" I sighed. "So why don't you do the things to me that we did before?" His whole body went stiff. "I... I..." I was kind of getting worried because he couldn't form words.

"I don't want to hurt you. Also, I thought I'd wait for you to tell me your ready. Do you want us to start, how did you put it, doing the things we did before?" He chuckled. "Don't laugh at me." I complained hitting his chest. "I'm not laughing at you baby. Answer my question." I was busy falling asleep again. "Yes." Was all I could get out before my eyes were too heavy for me to keep open.

The next morning Senzo was laying in bed with a stupid grin on his face watching me get ready. "Aren't you going to work?" He shook his head. "We had a very interesting conversation last night. I seem to be neglecting my duties as your husband." I looked at him confused acting like I couldn't remember the nonsense I was speaking last night.

"You don't remember a thing do you?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he got out of bed. I just turned back to the mirror and fixed my headwrap while he walked to me. He started kissing my neck. "If you forgot I'll remind you." My eyes automatically shut when he sucked on my neck.

We jumped apart at the loud knock on our bedroom door. "Senzo, your aunts will be here in about an hour. They took a bus last night after we spoke." He rolled his eyes. "I specifically told them I'll buy them a bus ticket this morning. Now they spent all night traveling. I'm coming Ma!" His aunt's were on their way and he didn't say anything?

He went to take a shower and I got busy in the kitchen making Ma's morning smoothie. "I bought kiwi. They're nice and sour just like I like them. Here, put some in." She opened the fridge and gave me a kiwi. "How is your back this morning?" She asked taking a seat. "Not as painful but the skin is getting really tight."

MaCele walked in and joined us at the table. "Good morning. Can I make anyone a cup of tea?" Ma rolled her eyes. "No thank you. I don't want to be poisoned." Ma said and I was shocked. I didn't know she could be like this. "I'll have a cup please. One sugar and milk." MaCele smiled an nodded.

I made Ma's smooothie and she took her meds before going for her morning walk. I started breakfast and decided I would make something else when our guests came. "You're very good at this." I was confused. "At what?" I asked MaCele. "At being a housewife. You're so young that I wouldn't expect it of you. You're also very calm. If I went to MaKhumalo's house she would be irritated by my presence. Not a lot of people can handle polygamy."

I gave her the bowl of porridge she requested. "I'm used to it and luckily I'm love with my husband and he was truthful from the start. I'm willing to share without hating my sister wives. My Aunt who raised me is a second wife and my father has five wives. It's nothing new to me." She nodded and Baba came to join us. "I'll eat quickly. I have to go fetch my aunt. MaBhengu please throw my coffee in a travel mug." I did as he said and kissed him goodbye when he left.

MaCele and I cleaned the kitchen and made sure there was a feast for our visitors. Luckily I've met them before and I knew what they liked. Ma checked on us every now and then but I could see by the look on her face that she hated MaCele.

Ma's sisters came and luckily they were starving so no food went to waste. "My boy, you called us to help you sort out the issue with your wives. I just want to get something off my chest. You're always calling us when you want us to solve your problems but when you're celebrating you only celebrate with your father's side." Senzo kept a straight face.

"Like when you paid lobola for this girl." I did not like that she said 'girl'. "Okay, the circumstances around how lobola was paid didn't go according to tradition but when you introduced her to your wives and the family you had a celebration. There were engagement pictures and everything. The only Radebe in those pictures was your mother and the rest were Dlamini's. None of these marriages were blessed by the Radebe side but when problems occur we're the first ones you call."

Baba focused on the empty plate in front of him. "But it's fine." She said dramatically. She sniffed as if she was going to cry. "I'm your aunt. You're our only boy. I'll help you my son." She said fake crying. The dramatics were at an all time high.

"But before I sort out the other two wives. Let's start with you, MaCele. You're rude and disrespectful. Yes, when your sister couldn't carry a child she was considering letting you marry her husband but it wasn't a done deal. She eventually had the baby and when she died her wish was that you become the baby's mother." There's so much family history and drama that I need to get caught up on.

"How many months did it take you to step up as Chumisa's mother? Nannies were looking after her for the first half of her life. Only when you and your little friends devised a scheme to marry Senzo did you step up and become a mother. Now your get rich quick scheme is failing. What do you have to say for yourself girly?"

I kept my head bowed because this was none of my business. "I'm sorry Ma." He voice was shaking. "I'm sorry to the family, my husband, and my daughter. I failed. I failed all of you. Especially my sister and her baby she entrusted until me. I'm sorry." She cried. "Please, give me another chance. I'm begging you. Please give me another chance to be a good wife and mother. I'll do anything." She was hysterical.

"Calm down. Calm down please." The aunt who had been quiet up until this point said annoyed. "I would advise your husband to divorce you but since there's a child involved and Senzo doesn't believe in divorce you have two options. Either you go back to your father's house and learn how to be a respectful wife or you come with us to the farm and get your lessons there. Your choice."

"I'll go with you Ma." She decided on the spot. "Okay. You'll come with us and the other two we'll send home." She just agreed.

"Now onto you, MaBhengu."

Me? What did I do?

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