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I let him in and took the flowers saying nothing. I'm pretty sure everyone sensed the tension and was just ignoring it. MaCele dished a plate for him while I went to go throw the flowers in the trash outside. When we were all settled ma did the prayer but since Senzo was here there was nowhere for me to sit.

"You can bring one of the mats and come sit here." He motioned to the empty spot next to him. Ma was chewing on her food glaring at him. I got a chair from the kitchen table and sat on the opposite side of the room. I ate my food silently while everyone had a conversation.

"What do you think MaBhengu?" I looked up from my half eaten plate. "About?" I asked MaCele. I guess it wasn't clear that I wasn't listening. "We were talking about a girl's day where we can all just go out and relax and get to know each other again."

"I'm working tomorrow."
"On a Saturday?"
"Yes, on a Saturday."
"When are you ever off? Every time we want to do something you're working." MaCele complained. "Maybe she should give us her schedule since our plans always get overruled by her." MaGumede added. "All of you can go and have your girls day without me. Nobody is stopping you."

"MaBhengu I think MaCele wanted this to be something that we all do together. Yes we are different households but we're still one family. We wanted to build a sense of unity. I think doing activities together is a push in the right direction." I almost puked at the explanation MaKhumalo had for this bullshit.

"Well, I'm busy. Maybe I'll join you another time." Sighs went around the room becore Gogo also started. "But it's only one day. I'm sure you can call and take the day off." I didn't respond because I knew anything that came out of my mouth would be disrespectful.

I was over it. I didn't even finish my food. I was in the kitchen doing the dishes when MaKhumalo walked in. "So, are you taking the day off?" I stopped what I was doing and grabbed a cloth to dry my hands. "No."
"Thandi don't be like this. We're only trying to bring our family together so we can grow."
"You can grow without me. I don't have the energy to be fake."
"Thandi come on. We're not the same as we once were. The wives have matured and realized that fighting eachother won't help. Come on. If not for me do it for our husband."

I went back to my dishes. "I don't have a husband but I'm glad all of you are happy."

"Thandi... Okay, nevermind."she left me alone and I was extremely happy when they left. I was ironing my work clothes in the kitchen when Senzo walked in. "So you have a job now?" I didn't want to even look at him but I couldn't exactly avoid him. "Yes." Was all I could say.

"Is this why you've not been taking my money?" His question infuriated me. "Why would you want me to take your money?" Gogo walked in but I didn't care. "The problem was that I was using your money right. So, I've stopped using it. Now that's a problem too?"

"Are you still on about that? It happened so long ago. You should get over it." He was not serious. "Why are you here? Why did you come back? We were finding some type of normal without and obviously you have to sweep back in and ruin it." I could tell he was getting angry. His jaw started twitching. "I don't want you working! I send you enough money every month! You're only working because you want to get back at me for what I did!"

"I don't need your money anymore. I make sure to send it back to you every month. Your issue with me was that I used your money. So I've stopped using it. You should be happy." I kept calm and unplugged my iron so I could put it away. "Thandi you're getting on my last nerve now!"

"Hey! What is it with you!?" Ma shouted at him. "This has nothing to do with any of you!" He said to ma and gogo. "Oh, nothing to do with us. You've abandoned Thandi for months and you think I'm going to let you come in here and scream at her! Try me one more time and I'll put you out!"

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