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We were woken up by constant banging and moans. The first thing I felt was his hand on my ass cheek. "Oh no." I groaned, knowing it was my aunt and Thabo going at it.

"I think now would be the best time to sneak me out." He got dressed, and I sat on my bed making a sad face. "Can we do this again. Maybe we can go for a drive and go grab a bite." I smiled shyly and just nodded. We walked to the back door and gave each other a long hug. This time, one of his hands moved down to my ass. I let him out and went back to my room.

I couldn't help it. I was desperate. I took off all my clothes and started playing with my nipples. My hand moved down and I started rubbing my clit. I rubbed in circular motions and bit my lip to keep from moaning. I was so wet and my pussy was making so much noise because of it. I didn't care I just rubbed my clit faster and faster. My legs started shaking and it was getting more difficult to keep quiet. My hips lifted and I squirted all over myself. 

I was completely out of breath and it still felt like I needed more but I knew if I carried on I wouldn't be able to keep quiet. I got up because it was morning anyway and cleaned up.

After changing my sheets I got dressed for the day. By the time I was done the sun came up and I knew my aunt would not wake up because they were going at it the whole night.

I cleaned and when the babies woke up I started making breakfast. I gave them their bottles and fixed the adults plates. I was feeding Sizwe, the eight month old and Thabo Jr was in his highchair feeding himself.

"Thandi!" Thabo said excitedly. "It's good to see you babygirl." I got up and hugged him. I hissed at the pain in my arm. I forgot about it for a moment. "Sorry. Your aunt told me what happened. If I was here that man wouldn't have walked out of here standing." I couldn't help but smile. He's always been nice to me. He's been more of a dad to me than my father ever has.

"I made breakfast. It's on the table." I said and he thanked me and took their breakfast in the room. I got the babies ready for the day and went to play outside with them until their parents got up. "Thandi!" I heard my aunt call. "We're outside, Ma!"
"Bring them in! We're all going out!" I got their blanky and toys and we went back inside.

"Thank you for looking after them." She said. "Anytime. Sizwe will probably go to sleep in a few minutes." I handed him over to his mother. "How's your arm?" I just started clearing the kitchen island. "It's fine, Ma." I didn't want her to feel guilty so I lied. The pain was killing me. "Thandi, don't do that. Come here." I just continued clearing the dishes. "Thandi. Let me see."

I sighed and walked over to her. "Why must you be so stubborn sometimes?" She said and looked at my arm. She took the bandage off.  "I need to tie it a little bit tighter. It's swelling and getting darker. Don't worry about it. It'll start healing in a few days." She walked me to the couch like a toddler and went to get a new bandage.

"Here, keep it elevated." She put one of the couch pillows under my arm and brought me ice. "Okay, we'll leave in about twenty minutes. Thandi just needs to ice that arm a little." She said to Thabo, and he just nodded and put the tv on. "You can go without me. I'm fine." My aunt just sighed. "No, we'll wait. We're going to the mall. You did really well in school. You deserve to be spoilt." I rolled my eyes. "My marks were average."

"They we're not average Thandi. They were really good, especially for the school you were in. You're fifth in the district. I saw it in the newspaper. And I know we live in the township, so there's no public recognition for it, but that's incredible. Stop diminishing your successes. Now, like I said. We'll wait for you."

We went to the mall and I could pick out anything I wanted. At first I didn't want pick a lot of stuff but Thabo said if I didn't shop to my heart's desire he would start picking things for me and then held up a pair of granny pumps. He bought clothes for everyone and then we went to lunch. The boys were worn out and fell asleep on the way home.

My aunt and Thabo were taking a "nap" when there was a knock on the door. It was Senzo. "Hi." I said and caught him staring at my boobs. "Um, hi. I was wondering if we could talk about my parents. I didn't want to struggle bringing them over here, so I was hoping you'd come over." I agreed and got my shoes.

"Thandi!" His mom cheered. "I'm sorry we couldn't come to your celebration. My husband had to be rushed to the clinic. He fainted, and his blood pressure was really high. Come sit. Let's talk."

We took a seat and spoke about my new job. "So you'll be working from Monday to Friday. Wednesday will be a half day. I need help with cooking, cleaning, and getting my husband to move around. I'm not starting to forget yet, but will you please keep us up to date on our medications. I wrote all of it down for you. It's a lot to remember, and it really stresses me out. If I had that stress off my back, it would be a huge help."

I took the page from her and saw all the medications with the amounts and times on them. It was so organized, and I could see how that would stress her out. Their diet, which I was quite familiar with, was on the back. "Okay, I'll leave the two of you to talk about the business side of things." She left the table with a weird grin on her face.

"I know you're not a trained caregiver, but this is the only way I know my parents are safe and looked after. I know I should've spoken to you first but I had a talk with your father and we came to the agreement of ten thousand rand a month." My eyes went wide. "I'll add another  three thousand, and that's to spend in the house for little things that they might need. Or if they don't need anything just to make it more comfortable.
Then I want to speak about the house. My mother has just requested a bigger kitchen, but I know there are more needs, and she just doesn't want to tell me. I was hoping you would."

I showed him everything that needed fixing and replacing to make the house more comfortable. We agreed on a bigger toilet and a while new set of furniture because everything was worn out and uncomfortable to sit on. He was quite pleased that I already knew his parents' needs so well.

Sunday came, and everyone else in the house went to church. I cleaned up and cooked. MaRadebe also went to church, so I would cook their Sunday lunch. I fished three plates since Senzo was still there and took it next door.

"My mom said you'd be coming by." I put the plates in the microwave. "Yes, ma usually comes out of church late, so I just bring something to eat on a Sunday so she doesn't stress about it." He thanked me. "How about we got to the beach for the day?" I bowed my head shyly. "I don't know." I replied softly. "Why. You said you'd go on a drive with me." He said and pulled me closer to him. I smiled shyly.

"Thandi, are you playing hard to get with me?" I cleared my throat and shook my head. "No, it's just that." I sighed. "I don't do things like this. It's just new to me, and I don't want to... Arg, I don't know how to say this." He lifted my chin. "Don't worry about it. I know what you mean. I'm not expecting anything, and I promise on my parents' lives that I won't do anything without your consent." I have out a sigh of relief and laid my head on his chest.

"You good?" He asked, and I nodded. "So what do you say? Are you up for it? Do you want to go to the beach." I agreed and went to get ready.

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