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The DNA test came back showing that Kwezikazi and Jabulani were indeed Senzo's half brother and sister. He was pissed and the situation at home got worse. It got so bad that Jabulani and Kwezikazi had to leave. Luckily the elders came to get them so they weren't homeless.

"Are you still mad at me?" I rolled my eyes at his question. He was being absolutely childish about the whole situation. "Mamakhe this is my last night with you until I go stay with MaCele before the baby is born. Do you really want to spend it fighting over irrelevant people?"

"Irrelevant people? It's your brother and sister." He narrowed his eyes at me as if I were in the wrong. "MaBhengu do I need to remind you that your father had seven wives and over twenty sons that you're not in contact with? You have no relationship with them and you completely ignore their existence but you won't allow me to do the same."

Well, he's got me there. "I may not be looking for a relationship with my siblings but never have I ever disrespected and humiliated them the way you do to yours but you don't just stop at your siblings. You make sure to take your anger out on everyone. It's becoming too much to handle. If you don't want a relationship with your siblings that's fine but there's no need to make their lives and the lives of everyone who interacts with them a living hell."

We went to sleep without another word. Both Ma and I were angry at him so breakfast was a little bit tense. After breakfast I walked him to his car. I didn't want to part on bad terms. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause my family any harm. I just couldn't handle my emotions. For years my father and mother condemned my marriage and spoke ill of it. So much so that I never even bothered to build a relationship with my parents. Finding out my father had a secret second family just brought up old wounds. I'll speak to ma when I have a chance but I don't want us to be on bad terms." I sighed.

"I hear you and I accept your apology but please make things right with ma. She's still here. You can still have a relationship with her. It's not too late." He small smile formed on his face. "Okay, now kiss me." I didn't hesitate.

"Hey! There are children here!" An old lady screamed at us through the gate. "I'm in my yard with my wife! What's your problem!" I hid my face because I didn't want any part of this. "You and your wife are disrespectful! Sies!" She left and I rolled my eyes so hard I thought they would get stuck. We said our goodbyes and he left.

The next day I went shopping for an outfit and gift for MaCele's baby shower. Everyone was wearing pink so I got a pink off the shoulder form fitting dress and a pair of heels. I found a salon but I was not in the mood to sit down and get my hair done so I just bought a wig and had they customized it for me so I didn't have to do much

The only thing left on MaCele's gift registry was a stroller that cost as much as a deposit on a brand new car. I had never used my credit card before and I guess this was the best opportunity to do so. I bought the exact stroller she wanted and some baby clothes.

I got home to the church ladies waiting for me in the living room. Ma was also there. "We are here to discuss your inappropriate behavior." The pastors wife said. I hadn't even been in the same room as her since I got kicked out of the church. I looked at ma she she shrugged. "My inappropriate behavior? I haven't done anything inappropriate." She sighed. "You will never change will you?" A car pulled up and Senzo came running in.

"Oh. What are you doing here?" The pastor's wife asked shocked. Ma had a small smile on her face. She called him? "This is my house isn't it? Am I not allowed to be at my own house?" She cleared her throat awkwardly. "Um, of course you are. It's just that when you leave after two days you don't usually come back until... Nevermind. We would just like to discuss what happened yesterday."

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