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My aunt was extremely excited about my gift. The next morning, We made breakfast for everyone. I had on one of my longest dresses so they would leave me alone. It had long sleeves, and it came down to my knee. It didn't have a back, though, but that was the best I could do.

"Thandi, how long does it take to make a cup of coffee? Will you have your husband waiting this long, too?" I just rolled my eyes. "I'm done, Baba. Here you go." He took a sip of the coffee and pulled a face. "Sugar. Did you even put any in? Give it here, let me do it myself." I passed him the sugar, and he proceeded to make diabetes in a cup.

"Nthombi, where is my brother-in-law?" My father asked my aunt. "He's with his first wife this weekend, brother." My father just nodded. "I was hoping I could see him. It's about time you two had the actual ceremony. You haven't completed all the marriage rites of our culture, and it's been years now." My aunt just sighed.

"Brother, we'll get to it when we feel ready."
My father out his cup down. "You're not getting younger, and you just keep on having children. You'll be thirty soon.  Time is running out." I could tell my aunt was upset, but she kept quiet. "Nthombi, either you speak to him or I will." My aunt dropped my dad's plate in front of him and stormed off.

"Chief, maybe that wasn't the way to handle it." My uncle who came with my father said. "I've been patient with her for way too long. All she's done is bring shame to this family. Thandi, you better not follow in your aunt's footsteps. By twenty you should be getting married. If not I'll arrange a marriage for you. I'm tired of the women in this family being sluts! And you better learn how to make a proper cup of coffee!" He said and threw the cup at the refrigerator. It fell on the floor and the cup broke.

The two babies started crying. I wanted to go help them. "Stop! They have a mother!" My father yelled and I started crying. I felt so small. This is exactly why my aunt tries so hard to keep me away from him. He's always gets extremely angry and for no good reason.

"Why are you crying!" Before I knew it he had jumped up and pulled my arm. "Why are you crying!? Do you want me to give you a reason to cry!?" He squeezed my arm so tight I screamed. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. His grip only tightened. "Please!" I cried. I couldn't form any other words. I heard yelling and screaming. It felt like he was breaking my arm. He eventually let me go. "Leave her alone! She'll get up by herself!"

They left me and eventually he went to go sit outside with my uncle. I was left crying on the floor. "Thandi." I heard my aunt whisper. "Come baby. Get up. Come on." She helped me up but I was in so much pain it felt like the rest of my body wasn't even there. She helped me to her room.

"I'm sorry babygirl. I'm sorry." She was crying while undress me to see the damage. "I didn't do anything, Ma. I swear."
"Shh, I know. I know." She held me to her chest. "I know you didn't do anything. I know. Shh, baby. Shh, we don't want him to come back in. Shh." She said desperately. And I had to force myself to be quiet. She took care of my arm, and the whole time, it felt like I needed to scream.

I was laying on my aunt's bed with my arm elevated and an icepack on it. My aunt came in with my dad following her. "Thandi, I know I hurt you, but I did it so you could learn. I did it out of love. I only want the best for you. Anyway, I spoke to the neighbors son, and they want to employ you. He's willing to pay a reasonable amount. Half of it will be  sent back home to me. They'll work out the rest of the job details with you themselves. Also, I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning."

He left the room like nothing happened. The next morning, I didn't even get out of bed to say goodbye, and he didn't care either. I was just grateful I had my room back. I took a bath and spent the rest of my day in  my bed.

"Thandi." Someone whispered. "Thandi." I heard it again. I opened my eyes and saw Senzo in my window. It was starting to get dark outside. "Let me in. Quickly, your aunt's on her way back from the shop now." I told him to go to the back door. I found a tiny robe that hardly covered anything and went to open the door for him. He choked and started coughing when he saw me.

"Are you okay?" He nodded,  and I led him to my room. We took a seat on my bed. "I wanted to find out how you're doing. We heard awful screams yesterday." I just lowered my head in shame. He shouldn't have heard that. "Thandi." He took my hand, and I couldn't keep it in anymore. I started crying. He moved closer and hugged me. "I'm sorry." I said frantically. "No, don't be." He rubbed my back and let me cry on his chest.

I jumped up when I heard the kids outside. "Hide." I said and opened my closet door for him. He went in, and I laid on my bed. "Thandi, are you awake?" My aunt asked, coming into the room. I just nodded. "I didn't feel like cooking, so I went to get some food. Here's yours." She put a styrofoam box next to my bed. "How's your arm? Let me see." I took off my robe for her to look. I flinched when she touched it. "Let me get a new bandage and something for the pain."

She left, and Senzo stepped out. "Go back." I whispered, waving him back in. She came back with some juice and tablets and then wrapped my arm back up. "Thabo is coming, so the kids will surely be crazy. I'm hoping to talk to him about what your father said. I just want to get it done so we can stop hearing about it, and he can stop taking the frustration he has for me out on you. I'm sorry, princess. I'm sorry my brother is this way, and I'm sorry he did this to you." I hugged her because I knew she was feeling guilty about it.

"Good luck with Thabo." I said when she left the room. I locked the door and put my robe back on, and then I opened the closet door. He was standing with one of my thongs in his hand. "What are you doing with that?" I asked softly. "Nothing. It just fell in my hand." He said suspiciously. "Hmm." We sat on my bed again.

"I know it's none of my business, but what did your father do?" I didn't know how to answer, but for some reason, I wanted to tell him. I took my arm out of my sleeve and lifted my bandage. He looked shocked. "No man should ever do this to their child." He said saddened. "It's fine. He's gone now." I said, putting my arm back. "It's not fine. What about when he comes back." I bowed my head in shame. "Can we talk about something else? My aunt brought food."

I heard my cousins scream and laugh and knew their dad was here. "Thabo is probably here." I said. "Who's Thabo?" He asked and kicked his shoes off. "My aunt's fiance." I leaned over and got the food. "Can I get in bed next to you?" I nodded and moved over. I opened my box and we started eating. It was chicken and fries.

"I'm lazy. How about you feed me." I rolled my eyes playfully but fed him by hand. I couldn't help but stare at his lips. I really wanted to kiss him, but I wasn't going to make any moves just yet. I kept reminding myself that I was a 'virgin'. "Would you like some juice?" My voice came out breathy. I'm sure he could tell I was horny from how I spoke. He nodded.

I opened the bottle and held it for him. All of a sudden, he 'bumped' the bottle, and it spilled on his chest. "Shh." I said, jumping up and holding my hands to his lips. His shirt was completely wet. "Take it off, or you'll be all sticky." I whispered, and he smirked. "No hands, remember." He said and raised his hands and dropped them.

He just sat there with a smirk on his face. I got up on my knees and started to unbutton his shirt. Luckily, we had babies around, and there were wet wipes everywhere so I could wipe his chest clean.

We were up all night talking about random things. The kids were already asleep, and we were still up playing with each other's hands. "We should really fall asleep." I said, and he sighed. "Do you mind if I get more comfortable?" I shook my head. He got out of bed and started taking his pants off. I looked away immediately. "Don't worry about it. I have shorts on under, and I won't try anything. I promise."

He got into bed again, and we fell asleep

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