There is no sanity.

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Third Persons POV

For someone who can see the future, it has been known that who may see ones future, will not always see their own-"

"What a load of bullshit." Aria scowled, "I've seen mine heaps of times."

"Can I just get to the next part! Please?"

Aria groaned and leaned back into the armchair, she waved a hand for her to proceed. "I don't even know why I'm here."

"Because your like a million years old and you would know how to answer this next part, if I can get there."

"Alright Caroline, no need to be snappy." Aria mused.


"Just because you like my brother and you don't want to admit it," the Original drawled out, smirking, "doesn't mean you can take it out on me."

"What!" Caroline almost screeched, her eyes bulging as she flushed. "I don't like him!"

"That's a shame." She shrugged, suddenly Aria pinned Caroline to the chair she was sitting on. Both hands wrapped firmly on the young Vampires shoulders as the Originals eyes locked with hers. "Because then, I would have to threaten you. I would have to explain that if you hurt my brother or did even the slightest move in order to hurt him, I would have to end you. Skin you alive, even, before throwing your daylight ring away and shoving you out into the sun to burn."

Caroline's jaw was slack, she was shocked at the sudden position she was in. "O-Okay," she breathed, "I just... I don't like him so you don't have to threaten me."

Aria threw herself back into the armchair, moving slightly to a more comfortable position. "Forgive me I wasn't actually listening, what was the question again?"

Caroline cleared her throat awkwardly.


Three days had passed, the urge to slaughter Stefan, finally quenched to a minimum level of infuriating anger.

Klaus had not, however, been the only Original out maiming.

Rebekah had since been undaggered.

April Young was responsible for that, she was the daughter of the Paster who blew up the founding council and Mystic Falls entire vervain supply. She had  previously befriended Rebekah, before the ancient Vampire was put down by Klaus.

Thanks to Caroline's apparent gift of not smelling the vervain on the humans wrist, April found the coffin.

Since the reawakening, the Original had made plans.

It included the attendance of a certain gang of good guys and a game of compel to get information.

The Original even decided to enlist Kol to help her.


Loud music vibrated the thin walls of an appalling apartment in the west part of Georgia. Sweaty skin rubbed against each other as the drunken young people danced their night away as if it were their last night on Earth.

The living room was perhaps the largest space in the apartment, with its measly excuse of a couch, roughly pushed against the left wall. Remnants of food products scattered the floor, with multiple pairs of feet trampling it into the yellowing carpet.

Testosterone, cigarettes and body oder made Aria cringe. Had she of decided to breathe through her nose, the Original would of surely gagged.

Filth, she thought, begrudgingly stepping into the room full of alcohol filled humans.

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