Why must you talk to me?

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(Updated: 22.09.15)

Arianna's POV

I almost cringed as we drove past the Mystic Falls sign, remembering the last time I had past it, I'd been a complete idiot. Since when, ever, did I have 'shitty direction skills'. I've been alive for a thousand years, if I had 'shitty direction skills' I'd have been caught by Mikael years ago.

Rebekah glanced at me, "you're going to break the steering wheel soon if you don't lighten up sister."

"What?" I frowned, looking at her. My eyes slid over to where my hands, they had tightened around the wheel, any tighter and it would break into splintering pieces. "Oh..."

I suppose Rebekah didn't want to experience her first twenty-first century car crash today.

"Are we nearly there Aria?"

"Your like a child!" I groaned, "we just past the damn sign. Obviously we're nearly here!"

"Whats crawled up your ass!" She shot back.

I rose an eyebrow, "well look at you." I mused, "a few days into society and your already picking up the slang." I frowned, muttering in a lower voice, "god knows how the hell you picked up technology so quickly."

"Hmm?" Rebekah looked at me again, "what was that?"

"Oh nothing," I smirked, shaking my head. It wasn't hard to tell that she had indeed her what I said.

She grinned back.


Because Rebekah and I had been in the SUV and not in the moving truck, which held our daggered siblings, with Nik and Stefan, I had sadly missed the most likely hilarious moment of shock the broody, blood lusting Salvatore had gone through when my brother had told him where we were.

Whatever happened, it ended with Nik, yet again, snapping his neck.

I slid into the stool of the Mystic Grills bar. Quickly ordering a coffee to go. I love my sister to no end, but dealing with a never-ending canon of questions about this current era and the ninety before hand that she had missed for hours on end had sliced away all my patience.

So I definitely needed this coffee if I was to survive whatever the hell was thrown at me when I walk into the school grounds of Mystic Falls High. If its even bloody called that.

Better be a good coffee, I thought, badly made ones make me want to rip peoples spines out.


I sighed deeply, already over whom ever had uttered my name. Deciding against homicide, even if I had no reason to, I turned to face the voice that had said my name. I blinked back an eye roll, of all people, I thought, it was Jeremy Gilbert who spotted me.

"That is my name," I answered him, sighing. "Way to point out the obvious there little Gilbert." The bartender stopped in front of me, handing me the much-appreciated coffee. I handed him a ten, dismissing all change.

I wasn't to be here long, god knows what fun I would miss at the high school.

"Your back!" He all but yelled, sliding into the seat next to me. He seemed far too excited about my presence, making me regard how badly my reputation was hindered by my spell. "Where's Stefan? Is Klaus dead?" He continued spitting questions at me, his eyes wide and sparkling with curiosity. "What are you doing here of all places? Shouldn't you be at the Salvatore's house?"

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