Chapter Nineteen

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I was hysterical, I was shaking and went into the closet, I pulled out a shoe box and brought it out onto the bed, Matt was staring at the letter until he noticed what I held in my hand.

Now he was the hysterical one.

“what the fuck? is that a gun?” he shouted backing away from me slightly and holding his hands up.

“look I am not going to sit around and wait for some sick prick to attack me” I shouted my breathing slightly increasing, I was shaking and probably looked like a crazy woman about to take out her boyfriend if anyone walked in on us at this very moment.

“babe lets call Nate and he can deal with this, I do not want you pulling that trigger, please put the gun down and wait for Nate” he offered, he really did look ready to pass out.

“fine but the gun stays out” I gritted through my teeth.

He went to protest but just nodded “fine but if anyone is shooting anyone I will do it, you just stay put”

I started laughing and I knew it was stupid to laugh but the thought that Matt could use a gun to shoot someone just made me laugh.

“laugh all you want Sadie, just because I don't own a gun doesn't mean I cant shoot someone, I can hit a target spot on” he looked quite pissed off, I didn't tease him any more because my mind went back to what was now happening.

“call Nate, but if your worried about me having the gun then don't be surprised when Nate walks in ready to blow someone's head off” I spoke sitting the gun on the bed before walking out of the room.

Nate was going to blow a fuse when he found out, I dialled his number, my throat feeling like it was about to close over.

worlds hottest brother here” god he could be so full of himself

he was here Nate, there was a note and photo, he was at my front door” I whispered as the tears started spilling out.

be there in ten, don't go anywhere or answer the door for anyone other than me” he hung up.

Matt was sitting on the bed next to the gun with his hands in his head, I was wondering why he looked so sad and then it hit me, this was all to much for him, he was in way over his head with me.

“maybe you should just go, you don't need to deal with crazy murders, guns and drama” I sat next to him as I whispered those words to him.

His head snapped towards mine “are you fucking crazy? You think I will just up and leave? Sadie I am pissed because he was here and what if I wasn't here, I don't even want to know what could happen” he pulled me into his chest “I won't ever let anyone hurt you, I love you to much”

“I love you, Nate is on his way, I think you should know the reason he became a sniper though” I turned, I guess he had to know the truth since it was going to come out sooner or later, “Nate wants to put a bullet through his skull, he told dad if he ever sees him he would shoot him without a second thought and honestly even if he was brought in by another cop then Nate is still going to kill him, he is obsessed with making him suffer slowly”

“do you know who killed your mum?” he asked “it was signed with the letter J”

I shrugged “they won't tell me, but I know dad and Nate know, they just pretend they don't so I wont worry but how can I not worry when someone is getting in through a gated area, this is the only reason I moved out of home because it's meant to be safe”

“you will be safe, I promise to keep you safe Sadie” he rubbed my cheek, I looked up and smiled, having Matt here with me definitely made me slightly more calm, but it still scared me that this freak show was out there watching me, that he was able to get in the gated area without a card.

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