37 • His bitter past

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Mishti :)

Finally after 7 days which felt like an eternity, Abir returned home.. But I was in college so didn't go to Airport. And I came late as I had work in my college.. It's already 9:30 PM and I still haven't seen him.. Going to Rajvansh house at this hour is so awkward..

Even he didn't come nor even called me to come, he didn't even message me that he reach here , through Sam I got to know this .. He must be resting but me being restless want to see him. And I know if I will go to his house at this hour then his siblings will tease the hell out of me.. Still  making myself ready for all the teasing session I made my way towards his house..

The guard opened the gate, I was about to go inside when Sam called me from lawn.. I went towards lawn, everyone were chilling there except Abir.. "You here at this hour.. Any emergency? " she asked in concern, I shook my head..

"She came here to meet her boyfriend, " Sahil chuckled, I rolled my eyes..

"But he is sleeping in his room and didn't want Anyone to go inside saying he is tired and don't want to have talk with us, " Sahil said, I made a pout and nodded.. I will meet him tomorrow then, he must be too tired otherwise should not have said this.. I tuned my feet to go back that's when Aadarsh bhai's words stopped me..

"Mishti, in case you don't know, you don't come in the list of Anyone, so you can go and meet him.. I don't think he will say anything to you, " bhai said with a smile, his words made my heart fluttered. I just stared at the grasses thinking what to do..

"Um okay! " saying I made my way towards the house, Meera aunty and Geeta aunty were so busy in their talk that they didn't notice me, which is better for me atleast I didn't have to face thousand questions.. Abir's room door was just closed, pushing it slowly I went inside and locked it ..

Only a low power ball was lightening his room, I scanned his room and found him lying on the bed.. As I turned the light on, he frowned but smiled as soon as his gaze met mine. My eyes were dying to see him.. As soon as my eyes met with his chocolate orbs it sparkled in happiness.. Taking slow steps I went to him, he sat on the bed resting his head on the headrest.. Today he is not glowing just the way he glow..

"Are you fine? Umm.. " I asked sitting beside him, he nodded his head and shifted a little away from me which made my heart dropped.. Today he is not behaving like Abir Rajvansh.. But I kept everything aside.. "How was your trip? " I asked, "hmm quite hetric, " he replied.. He didn't even hug me, which made me more sad.. May be he need some rest, I should not overthink..

"It's okay! Umm you sleep, we will talk later, " I said and got up but he held my hand. I burrowed my eyebrows in confusion when his hands touched mine.. I kept my palm on his forehead, my eyes widen.. "You are having high fever, " I uttered, checking his temperature again. That's what I am thinking, he was not looking normal..

"No it's not! I am hot you know, " he said, I glared at him and he shrugged off..

"Just stay with me, I will be fine, " he mumbled.. "Why you didn't tell anyone that you have fever? " I asked, he rolled his eyes..

"Leaving their all work, they will come to me, I can't tolerate so much attention at once, " he said, I chuckled.. "Have you taken medicines? " he nodded, I sighed.. I stared at the clock, I don't have any mood to go my house , that too when he's suffering from fever, but I don't have any reason to stay..

"Hello? What are you thinking? " he asked gaining my attention..

"I am thinking that you should sleep, due to travelling and environment change you are having high temperature, as you have already taken medicine so sleep, you might feel better tomorrow, " I said, he pulled my hand, making me shifting my position, I arched my brows in confusion.. "Wait! " he showed me his hand and took his phone in his hand and typed something on it.. I waited till he complete his work..

INTERTWINED FATE ~ A MishBir saga Where stories live. Discover now