Ch23 You did what now?!

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At around 12 Am, Hiera was sound asleep. Cale had helped her wash up and had changed the bed sheet. They had made quit a mess after all. After that he went to the hentiuse estate.

"Good evening young master, you're quite late today"

"Yes Ron, I'll go to bed as I'm tired. Do not disturb me."

"As you wish, young master."

With that Cale went to his room and locked his door. He had been locking his door almost every time he was in the estate lately, so it wasn't something that attracted anyones attention.

Ron looked at the close door and wondered. 'Something is different today' there was something different about Cale today, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly.

Was he perhaps calm? Or happy? But that doesn't make sense.

Ron had followed Cale out multiple times in the past 6 months. But nothing seemed out of place. The only thing that changed was that he goes out and read almost all morning. So Ron had stopped following Cale as it seemed useless.

It looked like berocxe was right after all. His puppy young master was still the same as usual. Ron stayed outside the door for quit some time before he finally left.

Cale heaved a sigh of relief when Ron left. He put the recording of his breathing on his bed. It was a recording of 10h. He then closed the window and drew the curtains close. Cale ripped the teleportation scroll and appeared at Hiera's house.

Cale didn't want to leave his wife in the first place. But he couldn't just not show up to the estate for a whole day.

Cale changed to his pajamas and laid down beside his wife. He had already taken a shower earlier here. Cale was still unable to process the fact that she is actually his wife now. Well he would pretty much soon. There was a rare gentle smile on his face as he looked at Hiera. He snuggled closer to her as he fell asleep.

At around 8am

They were woken by a certain purple dragon that was in complete disbelief.


Cale yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Hmm? I thought you weren't against our relationship"

"Aigooo my poor head. I'm not against it. But just.. just what the fuck?"

"Well we decided to just get it over with and get married. Oh and you're the only one we informed do not worry." Said the sleepy whitehead. She had sent Cecilia a message when she woke up in the middle of the night for some water. She had also told her not to let the kids in the first thing in the morning and to bring them at noon.

"Hah! Bu- HOLY SHIT YOU REALLY DEVOURED EACH OTHER" cecelia was in complete disbelief as she saw hiera's body, she could also see the marks on Cale's neck.

"Hah! Well whatever, I'm glad you guys are happy" cecelia gave up and just congratulated them. She knew that there was no arguing with these two. It will just give her a headache. She left them some last words as she was teleporting away. "I'll take care of the kids today too. So do whatever you want. I'll bring them tomorrow at noon."

Cale and Hiera looked at each other and smiled. "Look's like we will be able to have some more fun" Cale shook his head at his wife, he could tell that she will go back to sleep the moment she laid down again. Of course he was happy about that, but he wouldn't start something now. Until she's up again at least.

Cale patted her head and told her to sleep some more as he got up. After getting ready, he went out to get some groceries as they didn't have much. He then went and got some ointment because a certain someone would for sure pounce on him later and he needed to make sure that she would be fine afterwards.

Cale went back and organized the groceries and ripped the teleportation scroll as he soon appeared in his bathroom at the estate. Cale was getting tired of having to do this almost every day. He would need to talk to his father soon about him moving out.

He knew that as a child, the original Cale had been neglected. Screw that, he had been in this house for six months and not even once had he seen or heard that his dad was looking for him. So it didn't really matter weather he asked for permission or not.

Cecilia has helped Cale figure out the whole situation of the henituse estate. Cale was still not sure on what to do until Ron himself said while on the hallucination affect that the count hadn't even looked in cales Direction since his moms death and when he was getting remarried.

He needed to talk to him as soon as possible about this thing. Or just leave honestly.

There was literally no excuse for neglecting a child. Cale, who was originally Kim Rok-Soo had experienced abuse and neglect himself when he was younger. If anything, he somewhat knew what the original Cale had been feeling.

Cale shook his head lightly to get these thoughts out. He then proceeded to go out of his chamber and got greeted by the scariest binging smile ever. Cale shivered but tried to ignore it. He immediately left the estate and went to a nearby ally so he can teleport home instead of walking all the way there.

Once he got back, he made his coffee and prepared the ingredient for breakfast. It was the usual routine, he would make it once his wife started waking up.

Cale just sat on the couch near the bed and stared at her sleeping figure. Once his back touched the couch he felt a sting on his back. Ha! He sighed. His wife did a lot of damage seems like. He smiled as he thought of yesterday.

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