Ch24 A talk

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It had already been a week since the two youngsters have gotten married. On, hong, and raon didn't really think much of it.

"Human, humans girl- I mean wife. Congratulations" raon congratulated them the moment he got back. As well as the oldest cat tribe duo.

"Why didn't you have a wedding, nya?" On asked.

"Hmmm, because we wanted it to just be us since we could finally be together legally" answered Hiera.

"Ah! That makes sense since ur getting married to human and not other people!" Said raon as his wings fluttered. He was quit happy because his human seemed happy too.

"But human! Does that mean we can all live together now?" Raon asked as he knew that married people live together.

Cale halted for a moment. "Soon. We will all live together soon, raon" Cale said as he patted the 3 years old dragons head.


Which brings us to today, Cale had just arrived back to the estate. It was 7 in the morning. Cale opened his door and called for the scary butler/assassin. Ron.

"Good morning, young master. You are up early today"

"Yes Ron, good morning. Please prepare my bath and bring me a cup of coffee."

Ron looked at Cale for a second before doing what Cale had asked for. Ron didn't like the fact that Cale would drink coffee instead of tea.

Why you ask? He couldn't switch it with a lemonade... it was too drastic to do so. And when he tried multiple times before, he was left with an untouched cold cup of lemonade.

Cale finished his bath and sat down to drink his coffee. "Young master, are you not leaving the estate today?"

"I'll leave later. Not now."

"Then would you like to have breakfast with the count or here?"

"With them" Cale nodded his head at his decision. Which made Ron freez for a second before he came to his senses. "I'll let the chef prepare your share then."

With that Ron left the room. Cale Called for the baby dragon to come once Ron was out of reach. Raon immediately sat next to Cale and began munching on cookies.

"Go back home and have breakfast there today."

Raon frowned and objected. "Human, it's alright. I'll just wait for you to finish and we will go home later. Plus it won't take that long. I can wait"

Cale sighed. "Raon, I'll have breakfast with them and then talk to my father alone after. So it might take some time."

"But I have some cookies and pastries in my inventory. weak human stop worrying about me and worry about yourself." Raon pouted as he said that, which earned a sigh from Cale. This baby dragon was extremely stubborn.


Cale walked past Ron and into the dining room.
He could see his family sitting there. His father
and the current head of the Henituse household,
Deruth. Next to him was Cale's stepmother, the
Countess, as well as her son and daughter. The
four people looked toward Cale.

"You are late again, today."

Cale's gaze turned toward his father who spoke.
[The Birth of a Hero] described Cale's feelings for
his father like this.

'His father was the one person that Cale listened to. The reason the trash did not leave the area and got everything he wanted inside the Count's territory was because of his father, Count Deruth Henituse.'

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