Ch32 the way to the capital

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The way to the capital has been going smooth. Basen and Cale haven't been talking much really. But it was peaceful.

Ron molan. Cale had been shocked to see him first thing when he came back the day of the trip. He had learned after that, Ron had left for a 2 weeks break.

But that vicious old man came back immediately after receiving the news that his puppy young master came back.

Ron went to investigate the western continent a little bit after meeting Choi Han.

The smell that was on him, intrigued him. The forest of darkness. And the secret organization.

How could he just ignore something like that? What more is, how could he let his puppy young master go to the capital with just the guards.

Well the good thing was, that Choi Han and Ron seemed to talk to each other the most.

To Cale, that was a good thing.

they arrived at puzzle city, late at night. Hans had already booked rooms at a inn. They would be exploring the city tomorrow as well as bidding goodbye to Choi Han.

Cale also had some things to do in puzzle city. After freeing the baby dragon, the stan house hold has denied the allegations of ever taking hand in The incident.

They had thrown all the balm to Vinion as it was his doing only. And Taylor younger siblings has taken quick action in order to make sure he never get the chance to be the head of the family as they started sending assassins in order to eliminate him.

Cale had taken Taylor's only hope. Which was the regenerating ancient power. This ancient power wouldn't really be of any help to him. But Taylor would only find that out after gaining the ancient power.

Cale wasn't that much of a trash to just take someone's hope and only reason to still be alive after all. So he had to fix this.

After making sure that Taylor was indeed in puzzle city, he began his move.

Late at night in a small two story house in the
outskirts of Puzzle City. The only light in the
area was the light on the first floor of this small
house, shining out through the windows. Mar-
quis Stan's eldest son, Taylor, the owner of the
house, started to frown.

"What is going on?"

"Damn it. Ugh. Hold on. Don't talk to me right

Cage, the priestess of the God of Death, was
clenching her head in pain.


The beer cup in her hand fell to the ground. Taylor and three of his people approached her

"What? Is the lord saying something to you

Taylor looked toward her with concern. The God of Death spoke to Cage from time to time. This had suddenly happened one day and would sporadically appear like this. Cage had hidden this fact from the church, and only Taylor and his three subordinates knew about it.

"Ah, so annoying!"

After struggling for a while, Cage jumped up
and headed to the back door of the house. She
was moving pretty quickly. She was still clenching her head and staggering a bit, but her gaze remained focused on the back door.

Taylor told his subordinates to stay back as he
pushed his wheelchair and followed behind her.

'Did someone break in?'

They may be in a small house, but there were
magic alarms set up everywhere. Taylor was too paranoid about his younger siblings to sleep without these alarms.

After having both of his knees destroyed by a
hitman in his own room at the Marquis's estate, there was nowhere that Taylor considered to be safe anymore.

"Cage. What is going on?"

"Hold on."


Cage slammed the back door open. Taylor could only see a peaceful backyard. It was calm and tranquil, as always. There were a couple of
lamps lighting the garden up, making it the most lit area in the property.

Cage started to rush into the backyard and Tay-
lor followed behind her. Cage walked all the
way to the fence at the boundary of the proper-
ty and let out a gasp.


This was the location right outside of the range
of the alarm. On top of that fence was a small
rock tower made of five small rocks.
It was just large enough for the single knight
staying at this house to find when he went on
his patrol later.

".. Crazy shit. It was real."

Some rough words came out of Cage's mouth.
Taylor arrived next to Cage in his wheelchair
and started to look at the rock tower on top of
the fence with confusion.

"What is this?"

At Taylor's question, Cage read the message that was written in chalk next to it.

"'Break this if you want your wish to be
granted. That's what it says."

Confusion and curiosity both filled Taylor's face simultaneously. Cage let out a sigh after looking at him and pressed her temples with her finger.

"I vote that you break it. No, it sounds crazy, but the lord says to break it."


"This is the first time the lord has not said some bullshit. Why is he talking so much these days? He usually speaks to me maybe once a year."

"What does this rock tower have to do with it?"

Cage turned to make eye contact with Taylor.

"The turning point of our lives. That is what he

The God of Death only came to Cage when she
was sleeping. Sleep was similar to death. That
was why sleep was a path of sorts for the God
of Death. However, this time, she had heard her lord while she was drinking.

Cage thought that the God of Death was angry
at her for drinking too much beer. That was why she had welcomed it. She wanted this god to stop paying attention to her. However, the God of Death had a different message for her.

''The decision is yours to make. However, don't
break it if you want to live a peaceful life. That's
What he said."

She looked toward the rock tower. There was
something underneath.

"There is a letter underneath the rock tower. I
think they piled this rock tower up for the letter."

She turned back to look at her best friend,
Taylor. He had to look up from the wheelchair,
so, although he could see the rock tower, he
could not see the letter underneath it.

"I don't feel any strange powers surrounding the rock tower."

Although she was not as sensitive as real
mages, using divine powers allowed Cage to be
pretty sensitive and perceptive toward her sur-
roundings. She would be able to feel if there
were any curses or negative energy surrounding an item or a place. She was, after all, a servant of the God of Death.

She was waiting for Taylor's response.

Taylor looked up at the night sky, before slowly
turning to look at Cage.

"Destroy it."

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