Ch 38 Finally over ?!

242 15 3

"Ahem. Mm! Young master Neo, it has been a while."

Eric immediately moved in between Cale and Neo. Neo's eyes seemed to be defeated.

He thought he had found a good prey, but it was now difficult to hunt this prey with Eric Wheels-man present.

"Yes, young master Eric. I hope you have been well."

Neo greeted Eric that way before also greeting young lady Amir and young master Gilbert. He then saw them all standing in front of Cale, and clicked his tongue.

I guess they are protecting him. Even if he is trash, he is still on their side after all.'

Neo decided not to do anything after seeing the three of them protecting Cale. Eric noticed Neo's intent. and slowly turned around to look at Cale.

Neo's gaze turned to Cale as well.


Neo then subconsciously let out a groan.
Cale was quietly looking down at Neo with his arms crossed. Cale's eyes were extremely scornful.

He had not said anything to Neo since earlier on, but his gaze and his body language said everything that needed to be said.

'Classless fool.'

It made Neo think about the gaze Venion used to look at him. Even though Neo was angry when Venion looked at him with such a gaze, he consoled himself by saying it was the look of a higher ranking noble and let it go.

Cale turned away after watching Neo's shaking pupils for a while, and looked behind him. He heard raon report in his ear.

There was a reason he brought the baby Dragon with him today. Well other then the tantrum he threw in order to come.

- The voice recording magic is ready.

Cale had asked the Black Dragon to record everything that happened today. Video recording required a lot of mana usage and was difficult to maintain for a long period of time, so Cale had to be satisfied with just voice recording.

It would be used as clear evidence if anything ever happen in the future. Pulse it would be good to have something on the nobles and use it against them when needed it.

Cale looked at the walls of the imperial palace and wondered when he can get his reword and leave this place.


"Human, your wife will kill you. Hehe"

Cale flinched at raons comment and hugged his pillow tighter.

'Shit...she'll tie a leash on my neck....uh.. at least I'll be with..her...right?!'

Knock knock knock knock

"Ha.. come in"


Cale looked at the door only to see his temporary butler. Hans. And his little brother basen come in with a look of horror.

'Ah, they must be really shocked'

"Hyung-nim, are you okay? How are you feeling? Father, mother and lily are very worried too!"

"Young master, are alright? Wh-"


Cales lips twitched as he heard both basen and Hans speck at the same time. He was already getting a headache.

"I'm alright as you can see. I just need some rest, you can contact home and tell them that too."

"Ah- yes I apologize for being too rash huyung-nim"


Cale pointed at the chair near his bed indicating that basen should sit down. He knew that there were more to talk about then this after all.



Cale looked at Choi Han and the rest of the people in his room and sighed again.

"It's nothing, I just wanna go home already"

"*gasp* then c-"


Rosalyn put down the book on her hand and sat down comfortably, she looked at Cale and Choi Han with curiosity.

'What's up with that reaction'

"Hehe" Raon couldn't help but laugh and look at his elder siblings. On and hong, Who were laughing just as much as he is.

It was clear that Cale didn't want Choi han to meet hiera.

From the moment they met at Harris village. Choi han had been trying to meet her again.

Cale did not like that. Was he jealous? Of course. After all, he knew that hiera and Choi Han would get close if they spared or just mentioned the word swords.

After all she was strong. No one would not want to meet the person that not only saved them. But also the people they cared about.

Pulse. Her swordsmanship was the best that Choi Han had ever seen. 

"Choi Han, you'll get to see her again. But.."

Cales eyes were staring coldly and sharply at Choi han, which made him tense up.

"Forget about a match anytime soon!"

"....yes. Cale-nim! Is she your wife?"

"Ptffffffff HUHH?!"

Silence filled the room.

Rosalyn, lock, Hans, a couple of wolf children. These were the peoples in Cales room currently. They looked funny as they had their mouth wide open with a shocked expression on their faces.

Cale raised his brow as he looked at Rosalyn, the person who spilled the tea. and then back to Choi han again.

"Yeah. She is my wife, why else would I have held her hands or kissed her goodbye when we left? Do you kiss people's lips and then call them 'friends'?"

"Ah, No!"

Choi han scratched his head in embarrassment

"Then I apologize if my actions were a bit too much. I just thought that she was cool."

Cales eyebrows twitched once again as he responded in hushed tone.

"I know she is. She's my wife after all."

"Wh- no! Wai- uh YOUNG-MASTER! When and why didn't you say anything? Does the count know? And who is she? No! Aren't you too young? No! I mean-"

"That's enough!"

Cale shut Hans up and completely ignored all the questions that was thrown at him by the butler and the gazes he was giving by the rest of the people in the room.

After all. It wasn't anyone's business. And it wasn't like it was a life and death thing that had to be kept a secret.

Cale knew he would have to tell people eventually, so why not do it now.

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