Ch13 Scandal?

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Well not only the whole territory now knows that The Marquis managed to get his hands on a Dragon egg through the secret organisation, he had also committed the sins of chaining it down with mana restricting chains as soon as it hatched. And the Marquis's future successor. Vinion, has been torturing the baby dragon in secret this whole time in order to tame it.

This news has spread throughout the whole roan kingdom and would be soon spread to the neighbouring kingdoms, and the whole eastern and western continent.

Dragons are so rare to find. they were worshipped as they are the strongest existence and longest living. They were also closest to nature and just below divine beings.

News like this would not have such a good outcome at all.

As some elves has shown aggression toward humans. Elves and dark elves were already not in so good terms with humans.

They did not like how greedy humans are and they believe that they were better than them.

Not only that but this news has reached some dragons ears too.

And let's just say that the outcome wasn't pretty as well. A few young dragons had caused some chaos and destroyed some islands just a few hours after the news has been spread around.

it seems that humans have underestimated dragons recently.

Dragons were so quiet to the point that the world didn't even know if two or more dragons were still alive.

And it most definitely has given the balls for some humans to do such an act as torture a baby dragon.

The Dragons were just showing how strong they actually are. No matter how quit they were, THEY WERE STILL THE STRONGEST.

It was a warning and a threat to inform the world.

Well, after the baby dragon punched Vinion multiple times. Cecilia teleported all of them back to the inn she was staying at, including the baby dragon.

Cale looked at her confused. Dragons were usually very independent, to the point that some even start building their own liar just at 2 years old.

So wouldn't this two-year-old baby dragon want independency?

Cecilia sensing the confusion said. "I think it would be best if he Learned a few things with us first. Well of course he can leave whenever he wants, the decision is his."

The baby dragon looked at her and said. "Staying here wouldn't harm, I would allow you to teach me a few things" his voice just kept on getting thinner and thinner, it was actually quite cute.

Cale nodded his head but didn't say a thing. He was already tired of all the shenanigans that happened today and it was only 3 pm.

He laid down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. Which was responded by hiera laying beside him. They just cuddled and stayed like that for a while, they were both tired.

One thing they both shared in common was that they both liked getting their beauty sleep. They would take every chance they could to nap and rest.

The baby dragon was looking at them in silence as he did not know what to say. He looked at the purple dragon. confusion written all over his face.

From what the baby dragon observed from today. It was that Cale always had an indifferent look in his face, so seeing so much care and love in his eyes while looking at the White Haired human was weird for him.

Cicelia answered his confusion in his mind. 'Aigooo, that's how people who are in love look at each other' she secretly wanted to say that she wanted that with her Goldie too.

But she held her self a bit in front of this baby dragon.

The baby dragon widened his eyes. He looked back at Cale and Hiera.

'In love?'

'Yeah, it's when two people love each other so much that they wanna stay together for life. They also start a family and live together and grow old until their last breath'


The baby dragon didn't say anything after that as he sat down and ate some sandwiches that the purple dragon gave him.

It was a foreign concept for him, all he had known his entire life was torch, hate, pain. And none of that was something that was so called love.

On the way back home, cale saw two young children. One little girl with silver hair and golden eyes. The other one was a young boy with reddish orange hair paired with the same golden eyes.

They seemed to be siblings. Cale did not like to see children in this state. Why? Simple. Kids are supposed to play a lot, eat a lot, and sleep a lot.

He already knew that these young children were the kittens that he saw earlier, he just did not expect them to be this young.

He looked at them sideways and ignored them as he went home. He just wanted to sleep. He could see that the little girls wounds were treated with the medicine he gave her earlier.

Of course, Cale was greeted by a very scary begin smile when he arrived to the estate. He shivered at the sight. But oh well, he has seen scarier things today.

He immediately went to his chamber and fell asleep.

He had taken a shower at the inn and with the help of the dragon. The smell of blood and woods were no longer detectable on him.

And of course he still hadn't forgotten to drink some alcohol to keep up the reputation ogcale had.

While he was deep in his sleep. Something appeared next to him. A little black baby dragon had followed him while being invisible.

It was the third time this baby dragon used magic in his life other then the mana punches and telepathy magic.

He did not know why, but he would rather stay with this weird human rather then being with the purple dragon. His own race.

Of course the two, Hiera and Cecilia knew of this. And decided to just stay silent. Well... Cale didn't ask them about anything like that so...why should they bring it up...right?

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