Ch18 Kittens

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Cale was walking back to the estate after staying out all day. It was at that moment.



Cale suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. It was the alley right outside the Count's Estate. He could see two pairs of round, golden eyes. Cale started to frown.

There were two kittens who looked extremely
pitiful and drenched in the rain. They continued to meow as they approached Cale. They then started to rub their cheeks on Cale's legs.


Cale let out a sigh and started to walk the opposite direction. The two little kittens followed behind him. The tiny things somehow managed to keep up with Cale, even with their short legs.

Cale had only fed them multiple times and gave them medicine. He didn't know why they would want to follow him after just that but oh well.

Cale walked until he arrived at Hieras house. He held the kittens and went inside.

"Ahhhh~ are these the kittens Nonna talked about?"

Hiera asked excitedly. She loved animals, specially cute and tiny ones.

Cale sighed and nodded his head. He handed the kittens to his girlfriend as he knew that she would love to take care of them.

She would always drag him to cat and puppy coffee shops back when they were in high school as dates.

He was not particularly fond of them but he also didn't hate them. He just went along with what she liked as long as it made her happy.

Cale kissed her goodbye one more time as he headed to the door.

The kittens widened their eyes. They didn't know where he had brought them but it kinda made since now.

"Ah, for your information, they become quiet if
you give them food. The two of them are also

Cale smirked as he said that. The two kittens flinched and started to shake. Their golden eyes opened widely as they looked toward Cale.. They kinda expected him to know their identity but it was still shocking.

"Behave! I'll be back tomorrow"

Cale said that as he left once more.

The kittens kept on staring at the directions Cale was until the end. They wanted to be with him, but they will still wait until tomorrow as the white haired human seemed nice too.

The next morning, to his words, the kittens saw cale first thing in the morning. They kept on staring at him the whole time, while the red kitten kept on trying to rub himself on Cales leg.

Cale started speaking after they ate. ""You two are part of the Cat Tribe, aren't you?"

The two kittens nodded their heads without
making eye contact with Cale.

"Are you planning on following me?"

There were no responses to this question.
Instead, the red kitten slowly walked over and
rubbed its cheek on Cale's leg, while the silver
kitten approached Cale soon after and started to tap Cale's foot with her front paw.

Cale already had a plan for these two siblings.
He nodded his head and made up his mind
about the kittens.

"Then make yourselves useful."

The kittens immediately responded.



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