27. 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓾𝓹

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Vayu pulled up his socks and got into running shoes. He got up from bed and put on a jacket before getting out of the room. He closed the door behind lightly without making any noise and walked slowly on light feet to get out of the house.

Once on the street, he let out a deep breath and stretched his hands into air. The fresh early morning air had always been his most favourite time of the day. It had helped him clear his head many times. The other times, he thought of ideas to excel in business. Jogging and exercise had been his favourite things to do first after waking up with the sun, because of which he felt refreshed throughout the day. He never liked lazying in the bed, but he had always fixed his schedule and worked according to it. He loved his work, and thus, every morning had been exciting for him.

He jogged on the street of his new vicinity in the thought of exploring it. He took out his earbuds and smiled while looking at the view in front. He knew she would be out at this hour, too, as they had many things in common even though they seemed to be far different people.

He killed the songs and put his mobile back into pocket of his track pants before walking slowly through the jogging track of the garden. "I knew I'll find you here," He said.

Kiana watched back with a plain glare and turned towards Sam. He kept sniffing around. "Samy, don't pee there," She shouted. Sam looked back and wagged his tail before going to Vayu. He smiled as he bent to caress him.

Kiana scoffed. "People say dogs can smell the intentions of people. They can't stand it when someone who tries to hurt their owners but look at this boy," She muttered in frustration.

Vayu smiled while standing straight again. "That's right. He always knew my intentions were never to hurt you and that I have always loved you," He said.

Kiana sighed while looking away in irritation. "When is your impending wedding? You haven't given me the card yet," she said ahead. Vayu sighed tirelessly.

"Kiana..." he was saying but stopped to see some middle-aged woman walking to Kiana. "Kiana, I was looking for you," She said.

Kiana pressed a smile. "What happened, Aunty?" She asked.

"Amar keeps talking about you the whole time. You both bonded close again after you came back. You both would always be stuck to each other when you were in school. It feels good to see you two back together," She said. Kiana pressed an awkward smile and eyed Vayu from the edge of her eyes. He looked irritated as he kept looking away.

"I still remember how you both sneaked into my kitchen because you loved the gulab jamun I made," She said and laughed. Kiana pressed an awkward smile.

"We were too young back then," She said while looking in the opposite direction from where Vayu was standing because of embarrassment. She wanted to get away from there desperately.

Vayu chuckled sarcastically while grabbing attention from both ladies. The old lady frowned while Kiana gave him a confusing look.

"I mean, isn't it's been years since we left school? Besides, Kiana was in Delhi," He said. That Aunty laughed lightly.

"She would still visit her grandparents here," She said and tapped Kiana's arm with some more laughter. Vayu gritted his jaw as he watched them.

"Let's go, Samy," Vayu said and jogged past Kiana in irritation. Sam ran after him. Kiana pressed an apologetic smile at the lady.

"Who is he?" The lady asked and added with an unpleasingly face, "He is pretty rude."

Kiana frowned. "I don't think he was rude. When did he do anything to you? He is my close friend. We went to the same school," she said. The old lady nodded.

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