Calming Him

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Fuyuhikos pov

I wrapped my arm around kazuichis waist as we returned to the group. I knew he was scared but a full blown panic attack? Scared the shit out of me. I don't know what I would have done if anything happened to him.

"how are you feeling kid?" I asked softly.

"a little shaky but not too bad" he smiled weakly "thank you for taking care of me"

"hey it was my pleasure kid. I just wish I could have been more in control" I muttered guiltily "The last thing you needed was me freaking out"

"don't be so hard on yourself fuyu. It's not everyday you deal with a panic attack. I sure anyone else would have acted the same" he said reassuringly.

"just recovering from a panic attack and still trying to act like my goddamm therapist" I chuckled to myself "you really are something special"

"it makes me happy that you think that" he beamed. He was still pale and shaky but I could tell he was doing better. That's a relief.

We finally regrouped with the others. Hinata was about to complain about us taking so long when they saw kazuichi and froze.

"souda-san are you ok?" nevermind asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. I just had a small panic attack" he explained.

"that's not exactly something small" hinata muttered "kazuichi are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine" he nodded firmly "I freaked out a little cause of what Monokuma said but I'm all better now and ready to help" he took a step forward.

"oh no you don't" Owari stopped him "you health important and a scrawny little dude like you can't be pushing yourself too hard. So you just chill here with baby gangster-"

"da fuck did you just call me!"

"and we'll sort everything out" she smiled brightly.


"kazuichi please don't fight with us" nidai said gently "like akane said your mental health is important. Give your body time to rest and trust in us to find a way out of here"

"o-ok" he sunk to his knees sadly.

"please take care of him fuyuhiko" nevermind whispered to me.

"of course I will" I nodded. She nodded back greatfully before running off with the others.

I turned to kazuichi. He was hugging his knees like some sad puppy who'd just been kicked. I guess that's how he's feeling. Despite how understanding everyone was he probably feels like he let them all down.

I sighed and pulled him into a hug. Slowly he broke down into tears. I rocked him gently in my arms.

Now we wait.

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