Chapter Forty-Seven

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I called in sick for work and stayed at home. I was watching Noah the whole time. Diana went out, so it was just me and baby Noah.

I had fed him already and put him down for a nap. I cleaned the apartment, but I had nothing else to do. Gray's Grumpy ass was also making me go to therapy on Wednesday.

I was watching criminal minds to distract myself, but I wanted to call my mom. I was going to have to get it over and done with. I got my phone and pressed her contact. I dialed her number and she picked up.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hey, ma."

"Iris, hi baby," she says.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good, I'm happy to hear from you. How have you been?"

"I'm okay, I'm just living. Mom, I have a question."

"Go ahead, ask me whatever you want."

"Why did you tell me dad died, when he clearly had another family he wanted to be with."

"Iris... I- did Grayson tell you?"

"No and Elijah didn't I either. Why?"

"Baby, it was his decision. He did get into an accident, but I found out he was cheating. She came to the hospital worried about him and he had a choice. She was pregnant at the time, so he chose her and said he didn't want any contact. To forget about him and move on," she tells.

"I don't get why? Why couldn't it be a co-parent thing?"

"I don't know baby girl, he just didn't want to," she sighs.

"Lying about death is some next-level shit mom. Why couldn't you tell me the truth to begin with?"

"Because I knew how much you loved your dad baby, you would have wanted to keep in contact," she explains.

"So? He would want to talk to me. I was his favorite out of everyone."

"He didn't want anything to do with us and I had to choose a decision for you to eventually get over him," she sighs.

I didn't have anything else to say. If he was so quick to choose her over us, that means he never cared about me or mom. My throat was dry and my words seemed stuck. Did he want nothing to do with us? His family? Me his daughter?

That is such bullshit, but my mom wouldn't do something like that for no reason. Just could have told me he left. She is right though I would have tried to keep in contact with him.

"I have to go ma, I will talk to you later," I say, quickly.

"Iris, just come home and we can talk about it properly."

Noah starts to cry and I got to pick him up. Why did he have to wake up? He had like thirty minutes more to an hour to sleep. I rock him in my arms and I notice his paci had fallen out.

"You have a baby?"

"I'm babysitting actually," I answer.

I get his paci and put it back in his mouth. I put him back down and he eventually fell back asleep.

"I miss you, can you come back please," she pleads.

"Ma, look right now I just want space. I will be at the gathering thingy in two weeks," I said.

"I wasn't planning on going, but since you are sure."

"Alright, I will talk to you later. Bye, mom."

"Bye, I love you."

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