Chapter Thirty-Six

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I sat up in my bed and looked at the time on my desk. It was three in the morning. I got out of the bed and I rubbed my eyes. I remember the argument with my mom. It was bits and pieces, but it was about me doing cocaine.

I don't know why she had to call me to the kitchen. I was doing just fine and was going to lay down. I laughed to myself knowing she found the ones in my coat. I pulled the baggies out my bra and grinned.

I was just always a step ahead of her when it comes to this type of stuff. She never thinks to search me. I get down on the floor and moved a old box of mine. I lifted up the floor board and put them in there.

That was always my hiding spot and she was never able to find it. She destroyed my whole room one time trying to find my drugs. I had found that floorboard when we first moved here. I never said anything about it just in case.

I moved my shoe box back and I got up. I was hungry and needed food. There had to be left over food. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. I wonder if Gray and Elijah stayed.

I got a bowl and a fork. I started to put rice in my bowl first then the gravy from the curry chicken. I put a little bit of chicken, since I didn't really want that much.

I put my food in the microwave and waited. I hope nobody would wake up. My mom was a heavy sleeper, so I wasn't to worried about her. She would only wake up if you disturb her directly.

I watched the microwave and pulled it open, before it beeped. I got my food and sat at the table. I went on my phone and started to eat.

"Why Princess?"

I looked towards the bedroom door that was downstairs. He leaned against the wall and had his arms crossed. He wasn't wearing a shirt and only wore pants. I guess he and Grayson did stay.

"Why what?"

"Why did you do it?"

"Why did I snort cocaine? Because I wanted to," I retort.

"Don't get smart with me. I'm not your mom and I'm not going to judge you."

"Elijah, when I close my eyes I see them. I hear them. I feel them on my skin. I have scrubbed at my skin every time I shower and there still there. I don't know what else to do. It makes me forget, it feels nice," I explain.

"It's messing you up and it isn't helping you. When you come down you start remember are you going to do lines every time?"

He asked a good question, but to the wrong person. I felt like a teenager again and I couldn't careless. I would do lines every single time. I rather be high more than anything. I used Alcohol and Weed as my small get away. I needed more than that now.

"I don't know," I lied.

I went back to eating my food. I don't think he believed me. He came closer to me and sat down at the table. He watched me eat.

"I don't want to watch you destroy yourself over something like that. You're so much better than that," he says.

He reminded me of people who gave you inspirational quotes and I stared at him. I didn't really take his words in. I nodded my head and pursed my lips. He flicks my head. The pain simmered away.

"Stop pretending like your listening, I'm not an idiot," he laughs.

"Elijah, all I'm asking for is a month. After a month I will get clean and start to be normal again," I said.

"What if you don't get clean after a month? What are we supposed to do?"

"I don't know," I mumbled.

I lost my appetite and stopped eating. I really don't know. I don't know. Mom already said she's not doing this with me again. I don't want Elijah and Gray have to deal with me like that. In all honestly I don't know if I could.

I'm surprised I didn't relapse in college. I didn't have a reason to, I didn't need that high. I only needed it now. If I get over this situation with just a bit of drugs, then I would be fine. I got up and put my bowl in the microwave.

"I'm going back to bed," I said.

"You don't have anymore?" He asked.

"No, I doubt it. Mom probably got rid of the ones I had."

"You had two bags of them, princess. You aren't going to come off of it in a month," he states.

"Oh fuck you, because you don't know shit," I spat.

He gets up and stands over me. I backed up a little and he just got closer. I was up against the counter and he towered over me.

"Don't you ever speak to me like that again. If I could touch your princess, I would. You wouldn't like it," he seethes.

I stared up at him and grit my jaw. He doesn't know anything. I push him away from me and he grabs my wrist. I tug my wrist away from his hold. His grip was hard. There grip was hard.

I couldn't move my arms. I couldn't. I tried tugging my wrist more.

"I'm talking to you," he says.

"I'm done talking. Let me go."

He lets me go and I could feel his hand on my wrist. I wanted the feeling gone. I wanted them gone. Fuck sake, he just doesn't get it. I walk off going back upstairs. I closed my bedroom door and got on the floor. I moved the shoe box and the lifted the floor board up.

I got one of the baggies and fixed it back. My desk was already clean. I opened the bag and board some out on the table. I got my old Highschool Id and made four lines.

I sat on the couch staring down at the floor. I yawned and looked at all of them as they watched me. It was like some convention like what the fuck.

"Iris, Did you hear what I said?" Mom ask.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Can I go back to bed?"

"Ya tek dis ting for joke," she kisses her teeth.

"No, no, no, I am tired man I'm tired," I ramble.

"Are you high again?"

"No what the fuck, you threw them all away," I groan.

"Let me go back to sleep man, we can do this later. Take Elijah and Gray around the fucking block or something while I sleep."

I get up and yawn. My ears were going tone deaf at this point. I walked up the stairs ignoring them calling my name. I closed my bedroom door and locked it. This is my last line for today. I ended up doing three more.

I sit on my bed and pull out my computer. I was struggling, but I was able to get my music playing. Thepartynextdoor filled my ears and put laptop on my desk. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.

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