Chapter Thirty-Five

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Iris had been gone for some time now. We didn't know where she went and neither did her mom. The guy from earlier left not to long ago, so it was just us.

Her mom continued to cook and we made small talk. It was very much awkward, but her mom spoke to us. I think her mom was just concerned about her, that's it.

"So, what do y'all want from her?" She asked.

"Nothing," I answered.

"You don't want anything? We are about the same age Eli, men like you they want something from girls like Iris. What do you want?" She repeated.

"We really don't want anything, but the best. We just wanna take care of her and spoil her," Grayson replies.

"You want to take care of my baby? What happens when you break her heart?" She questioned.

"We don't want to do that. The only way for our relationship to be over is if she wants it to be."

"What do you for a living?"

"We own a few clubs," Grayson responds.

"I also work as a professor at the university Iris goes to," I hesitated.

"Let me get this straight. You work at a university, how many others girls have you taken advantage of?"

"Miss, King. I think your completely taking everything out of proportion. I didn't know she was one of my students when I met her. I don't mess around with my students at all. She is the first and last," I stated.

"How did you meet her then?"

"We met at one of our clubs."

"You met her at a nightclub? I forgot to get rid of that damn fake ID. There's something else about your relationship that doesn't sit right with me, but I just can't figure it out."

"There's nothing to worry about. We take care of her all the time. We buy her anything she needs and make sure she stays in line," Gray assured.

"There. Makes sure she stays in line. What do you mean by that? What exactly do you do to keep her line? I would hit her, but oh my," she pauses.

She mutters a small prayer as she stirs the pot. The house smelled of curry now and she seemed to be trying to grasp on what she figured out. She might have had a good guess on what our relationship was.

"You abuse her?" She guess.

"No, we don't," Gray chuckles.

"Y'all have my baby involved in that Fifty Shades of Gray shit? Lawd of mercy, god help me."

"Everything we do is her choice. We didn't force her to be with us. She chose to. She knows her limits and what she wants," I said.

"Stop talking. Please, let me cook in peace and enjoy this holy Sunday. Y'all can wait until she gets backs."

I talked to Grayson through text. I never knew how complicated her mom would be. I see Iris in her a lot though. She was just concerned after all. Fifteen minutes had gone passed and her mom started playing church music. I could tell how different my life was growing up from Iris.

The door opens and Iris came inside. She took of her shoes and her coat. She held her coat as she started to walk upstairs.

"Iris, come here. Sit down at the table," Ms, King yells.

"Momma, I'm tired. I need to lay down," she whines.

"Mi say come here," she threatened.

She slowly walked into the kitchen and she kept her head down. I wonder what she was thinking about. She fidgeted and it raised my concern for her. She was sniffing and I assumed she was crying. She was crying and I wasn't there for her. I looked at Grayson and we looked at each other the same time.

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