Chapter Four

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"I don't know why you feel guilty, are you guys dating?"

"No, we aren't. Nuri, I let random guys touch me, and Adam hasn't even done that," I cried.

"It was a bet. It doesn't matter and I feel like you should focus on the fact that two guys had you," she says.

I let out a frustrated groan and hid my face in my pillow. I can't believe this. She was trying to make me feel better about what I did.

It didn't. It wasn't cheating, but it felt like it. I can't ever go back to that club, I need to focus on my courses.

"Don't dwell on it too much and you act like it was recent."

"It was recent, what do you mean?"

"It was three days ago, get over it. Adam will never even know, he doesn't even know your real name."

"Nuri, you are not helping," I groan.

"I'm sorry, but it's true. You don't have to tell Adam, and it's a bet, do whatever you want."

"I feel bad I can't even answer his messages," I mumbled.

I sat up and looked at her. I hugged the panda that he got me at the Arcade. I feel really bad about what I did.

"Come to the club one more time with me, and see how you feel after," she suggests.

I was a bit hesitant about that Idea. I bit my lip and thought about it. I'm not going back there for two reasons. One My age. Two Elijah and Grayson.

"No, I'm never stepping a foot back in there," I said.

I was very serious about this and I made my decision.


"I fucking hate you Nuri," I mutter.

We stand in front of the reception desk waiting for Rayna to come and lead us through. I said a few hours ago, I wasn't coming back here and here I was.

This is my last time and I mean it.

Rayna came out in a short dress that would show off her whole panties if she bent over. Her chest was exposed and it was barely covering her boobs.

"I see you came back," she smiles.

"We did," Nuri smiles.

"You girls ran off last time, so I'm going to do it here," she says.

She bends over the desk and just as I suspected. It rode up her body and surprisingly she wasn't wearing anything. She gets a clipboard and hands it to me. She also gives me a pen.

There was a list of names and I flipped the page and wrote my name under the last one. I handed the clipboard to Nuri. She wrote her name and gave it back to Rayna. She puts it back over the desk.

Rayna spins around and leads us to the Lounge area and it was busier than the last time. It was the weekend, so that had to explain it.

There were people on the stage, there was a whole orgy happening. Other groups were watching and doing their own things.

"Do not engage in anything, I forgot to mention that last time. You have to be a member for one and need a recent STD test," she says.

She was mostly watching me and I nodded my head. I had no idea what I was doing back here. I just came, because of Nuri. She didn't have a convincing argument, but I still came.

I really need to put my foot down when it comes to this girl. I wandered around and watched a few people. I found it so interesting that they liked to be watched. Do they not feel uncomfortable?

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