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I laid back in the passanger seat, the summer sun heating my legs. I didn't move, or say anything, I just laid there listening to Bruno Mars coming through my headphones. I had been sitting the silver car for over ten minutes waiting for Zoe to come back out of the store. I am not very patient with people when I need to be somewhere, or really at all. I sent her a quick text.

Waiting for her reply, I pulled up my thigh length summer dress a little bit to tan my legs. I hadn't been able to tan all winter and spring, I was as pale as a ghost. I laid my head back down after skimming the parking lot one last time. I had almost fallen asleep when Zoe replied.


"Honestly, Rayley, you can't sit there for ten minutes without getting impatient. I'll be out soon, hopefully, there's a long line. I would have been out before now if there wasn't one."

I rolled my eyes. I skipped a couple of songs on my iPhone before settling with Skrillex's, Summit. I tapped my fingers to the beat and closed my eyes enjoying the sunlight for the first time in a long time. I dozed off for a couple minutes before I heard the car door open. "Hey slacker," I playfully said.

I pulled my headphones out of my ears and looked up. Zoe rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Yeah, I'm the slacker." We laughed and she started the engine. I turned on the radio to a station that wasn't playing commercials or music we didn't care for. She pulled out of Super-Mart's parking lot and we heading east to Florida.

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