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Temari was not having a good day. First was her so called 'win' earlier, she had lost, everyone had known it but that boy had just given her the win. Her pride was hurt from that, she would be feeling the sting of that for awhile. But that paled in comparison to what was happening now. Gaara had started to release his inner demon sooner than planed, the invasion had to be started earlier and now she had even more trouble on her hands. She had gone down to get him out of the area, if he fully released here it would be very troubling. Too many of their own people were in the area.

Gaara was supposed to release in the population center of the village, not here. Also a part of her was worried. It was that small part of her that would always be his sister, some bonds like that you couldn't get rid of completely. She had never seen him bleed before, he had never been hurt like that before. She had tried to get him to go with her, she pleaded with him to listen to her. But he didn't, he shoved her away and the look she saw in his eyes told her that if she tried to move him, he would kill her.

She cast a look at her other brother at the problem they now faced. Not only was the Uchiha's teammates were here but a few others as well. Temari pulled her fan as her brother unleashed his newly repaired puppet. Kankuro didn't like the looks of things, with the boy and his dog, the blonde girl, and the fat boy with the others. Plus Gaara was a wild card at the moment too.

"Alright I have no idea what's really going on," Naruto said to the Suna team. "But whatever you're planning you can forget it."

Having hearing that voice caused Gaara to focus a bit. The voice in his head was screaming at him now, it was so loud and commanding. It was calling for blood, for death, to be let out among the world. A voice that never ended, never gave him peace. To Gaara, the days and night blured together, only in death, only in the blood he spilled did he find focus. Only then when he finally felt like he existed in the world. Now a new voice called to him, one from the outside, one that he marked for death. He looked at the blonde masked boy and grinned a savage grin.

"Naruto Hatake," Gaara rasped out as half his face was hidden behind a hand. "I wanted to give your blood to mother for so long now. We've had to wait for so long as well, tell me do you hear it as well? Do you hear the voice calling for blood like I do?"

Naruto was very uncomfortable about this, he had a feeling that Gaara was referring to the Fox. Although he did have a talk with it, while training with Jiraiya, it sounded like Gaara talked to his the entire time. He couldn't image what that was like, he had only met the Fox for a short bit and already he hated it. It was an evil force of nature, uncaring for humanity, only caring for chaos and destruction.

"No I don't, it's sealed up nice and tight with a gag." Naruto said noticing the questioning looks he got form his teammates who were close enough to hear his answer. He really was going to have to explain everything to them after this. He could tell they were already wondering about a few things lately, he had evaded it for now but he couldn't keep it up forever.

"Pity," Gaara said as he pulled his hand away from his face. They were shocked to see the skin under the palm had changed. No, in fact it was still changing as they watched it. The skin turned a light shade of brown, as it pulsed and grew out. The eye had changed from green to yellow and looked inhuman. Now veins on the left side of his face, neck and arm were growing as the skin there also started to change.

"Oh no," Temari said seeing what was going on. There was no way to stop things now. "Kankuro, we need to move!"

He didn't need to be told twice, staying anywhere near Gaara in that state he was releasing was suicide. He and Temari left for the stands to gain the high ground. Ino and Choji went after Temari as Kiba and Akamaru went after Kankuro. Leaving Team 7 alone with a transforming Gaara.

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