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The crying was the first thing that woke the tired ANBU ninja up, Kakashi groaned as he got up from his bed. He still had on most of his uniform, he had been so tired that he had just crashed onto his bed, even his mask was still on but then he usually slept with it on anyways. It was on for so long that sometimes he forgot to take it off when he showered. But now the crying of Naruto woke the young ninja up.

He sighed as he rubbed his tired eye and went out from his room. He was still living in his apartment, it wasn't that big a place but then again he hadn't needed a big place, sure he still had his parent's old house but after what happened with his father killing himself, he just couldn't live there. Although he knew that when Naruto got bigger this place wouldn't be enough and he might have to move back, Kakashi knew he could always sell it but it had been in his family for two generations.

He made his way to Naruto's room, it had just been a small room that he used for storage but he moved all that stuff out to make room for Naruto's crib and other things. He flicked on the light blinded for a moment as the sting of the sudden light hit his eye. He blinked and saw the scene, the room was white but he did plan on fixing it up a little with more color at some point. There was the crib, a changing table and a few other things.

He walked over to Naruto's crib and looked down at the young boy. "How can someone so small have such a powerful set of lungs?" he asked himself as he picked up the crying infant.

He rocked Naruto gently trying to sooth him. It had been three months since that night he took Naruto in, and he hadn't had a decent night's sleep since. Sure he had gone days without sleep on missions but this took things to a whole new level. He swore they should let ninja's take care of infants for those sleep deprivation training.

"There there, what is it little guy? You hungry again?" Kakashi couldn't believe how much the little guy ate. It was kind of unbelievable someone so small had such a stomach. He couldn't smell anything thank goodness so it wasn't for changing. He carried Naruto into the kitchen as he went to get a bottle. The little blonde boy was dressed in orange, for some reason he seemed to like the color. Kakashi always had trouble dressing him in other colors; he would throw fits for some reason unless it was orange.

He got out a bottle from the fridge and used a small jutsu to heat it up. It was just a simple heating one used when you were stuck out in the cold. Mainly you used your chakra, the life energy that all ninjas trained to use, to mainly make a blanket of warmth around you. He just used it on his hand until the bottle was nice and warm. He adjusted Naruto and the baby eagerly fed off the bottle.

"There you go," He said gently closing the fridge with his foot and walking him around the apartment. He found out that this seemed to calm him down. "Man I know I said I'd look after you but who knew this was so hard. Makes me glad for all those babysitting rank-D missions I had as a kid."

He shivered at the memories of those missions, they were not pleasant experiences but he at least got something useful out of it and he was putting all of that to work. Naruto eventually finished and Kakashi started to pat his back to burp him. He heard the sound and smiled but then froze feeling something warm slithering on his shoulder.

"I forgot to put a tower on me again didn't I?" he asked little Naruto who giggled. Kakashi knew that he had some spit up on his shoulder now. He had been tired and forgot to put that damn rag on now and then. He found something else out, getting that stuff cleaned off a ninja uniform wasn't easy. He sighed and proceeded to walk around with Naruto a little rocking him. It took nearly an hour for the boy to sleep, he had a lot of energy in him and he was always looking around the place.

Kakashi had to watch him as he liked to crawl and explore and usually get into trouble. Kakashi had to make sure that he kept all his weapons well out of the way. He had to stop Naruto from picking up and trying to play with a shuriken that he had dropped onto the floor at some point. It wasn't an easy life that was sure but he did it, plus he knew that the boy needed him as well. Who else would look after him? The new Hokage the Third after taking back his title, had decided that only the council will know of Naruto and his past as well as the ANBU and Jonins.

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