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Hinata woke up that day, happy as usual lately ever since she and Naruto started to date a few days ago things had been better for her. Why wouldn't it after all, she had been dreaming of dating Naruto since she started to have these strong feelings for him. She loved hanging out with him normally when they had been friends, but now that they were a couple it was only better. She blushed at how he would hold her hand as they walked, or they would link their arms as well. Then of course there were the kisses, this made her blush even more.

They usually kissed in private, so he could pull down his mask and she was still a little embarrassed as well in public. At least she could still kiss him on the cheek in public, at any rate things were going well for her. Her pet rabbit was doing much better as well, he looked much healthier now and so she managed to take him outside. This was where she was now watching as Haku-kun was nibbling on some grass.

She heard some steps coming towards her and turned to see her father coming. She was a little worried since she had no idea what he might want.

"I see you're taking good care of your pet," He said to her looking at the rabbit.

Hinata nodded her head, "Y-yes. He needed some food and care and he's doing much better."

Hiashi nodded his head, "It's good that you have shown the ability to take responsibility."

There was a moment of silence and mainly it was because Hiashi was meaning to talk to his oldest daughter about something. Lately he had heard the rumours concerning his daughter, and he wanted to make sure how much was true. Although he wasn't looking forward to this, he knew it would happen sooner or later. He just wished his late wife was still alive, this was more of a mother/daughter talk but it needed to be done.

"Hinata, I've heard a few things lately. Mainly from others in the compound saying that they've seen you with the Naruto." He began and noticed her nervous look. "Normally this isn't a major deal as you two have been friends since childhood. But I believe that the things that had been witnessed were more than just forms of friendship."

Hinata knew that her father would find out sooner or later, if there were something to get around quickly in this village it would be scandal, rumour or gossip. Plus she and Naruto hadn't been very secretive.

"Hinata?" Hiashi said to her since she had gone quiet.

"Y-yes, uh...Well it's just that, N-Naruto-kun and me are, dating..."

Hiashi sighed knowing that his worse fear had come about. His eldest daughter had finally started to date. He had hoped that he would have a bit more time before that happened. He also knew the issues that the clan elders would raise. It was hard just for those in the branch family to seek someone outside of the clan, because in the end all children would have the seal placed on them to ensure their bloodline would stay in the clan. Another issue was that the main branch family usually had some type of arrangement with another member of the main branch.

It was a painstaking process because you had to ensure that first; the two weren't too closely related for obvious reasons. Another was that Hinata was the heir of the clan so her suitor would have to be someone important. For a main branch member to date outside the clan as far as he knew, was unheard of. But he and his wife had seen this coming. Hinata had been taken with Naruto for years even before her feelings had obviously grew with time.

"Hinata, I must ask you this. How serious are your feelings for the Hatake boy?"

Hinata was caught off guard by this question at first. "I-I...care about him, a lot father."

Hiashi knew it was more than that, his daughter had been infatuated with the boy for awhile after all. But there were a few concerns that he had to deal with before the clan elders heard of this.

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