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Kakashi heard Naruto and he tried to move his arm but he was too close, the boy wasn't moving all that much so he knew that he had to limit it. He was still two feet away and slightly moved his hand, it wasn't much but he had been aiming for a higher target at any rate. If he had been any closer he couldn't have been able to move his arm plus he cut off the flow of chakra to his arm and hand, but that would only lessen the damage the build up in the jutsu alone was enough to be fatal if he hit a vital spot.

He didn't know why his son was telling him to stop but he trusted that he had a good reason. So with the last second his chidori hit the young boy in his shoulder. He heard the boy cry out in pain as he grabbed Kakashi's wrist, he was surprised how much strength the boy had in his arms.

"I...can't let you kill...him," the boy said to him giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry...Zabuza-sama...I'm no longer...any use to you..."

"Haku," the man behind him simply said as Kakashi looked at the boy who was starting to fall.

This Haku person still kept a grip on his arm even as he was falling down, he had to admit it was impressive how much will power the young boy had. Kakashi was finally able to pull his arm free as he grabbed the boy before he fell into the water. There was a groaning sound as the boy was still alive if only barely.

"Dad!" Naruto ran over to the body of water, he only got to the edge as he didn't know how the adults were standing on the water like they were.

"Naruto," Kakashi said in a tone that demanded an explanation.

Naruto heard that tone all the times he got caught with a prank only now it was more serious. He knew that his father would demand a very good explanation as to why he was told to stop other than Haku getting in the way.

"I...I didn't want him hurt...He's like me I think," Naruto told him and Kakashi's head went back a little at that as he looked down at the bleeding boy.

"Stupid kid," Zabuza said still stuck in Kurenai's genjutsu.

"Don't say that about him!" Naruto yelled out at the man. "Don't you care at all? He lived for you, his only dream was for you he didn't even have a dream of his own. He said that he was alone and you took him in, you trained him. Don't you care for him at all!" Naruto shouted at the man. He couldn't help but think on his own life.

After he had learned that his parents had died and that Kakashi had taken him in. How could this man who had done the same feel nothing at all for the boy? He just didn't understand it, yes he knew that Haku had done just moments ago but isn't that the life of a ninja? You fought your enemies?

But Naruto couldn't hate, not after seeing those eyes. He remembered those eyes from the mirror when he was lonely, before he met Hinata. The boy just seemed too much like him to hate and he couldn't believe that this Zabuza just didn't care, even a little.

"Look at him you bastard!" Naruto yelled out. "He's there bleeding, broken and dying for you! Everything he's done seems to have been for you and never himself! He thinks he's just a tool!"

"Ninja are the tools of war kid," Zabuza said looking at the boy under him, watching the water turn red from the blood.

"Bullshit!" Naruto said. "We're people first damn it! We have feelings, we have hopes and above all we have dreams. You have a dream, he told me that much so does that make you a tool? Is the fact that his only dream in life is for yours make him less human!"

"Shut up!" the killer said closing his eyes. He saw all the times he was with Haku, the day he met the starving and cold little boy that was most likely about to die in a day. He took that boy in and yes he first saw him as a tool for his own uses. As he trained the boy he couldn't help but be proud at the boy, his skills were above anyone he had seen. The boy was truly gifted and adding in that bloodline for ice he could be nearly unstoppable. If only the boy's heart wasn't so soft.

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