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It had been a couple of weeks and from the new training and D-Rank missions things were going well for Team 7. Although the new training on top of any old training was going well they all felt like they were getting much stronger now as well. They were even increasing how heavy the weights were at the moment, Sakura still had the lightest set but she was starting to catch up a bit more all the time. Right now they had just finished another mission, mainly walking some lady's dogs.

Although after the last big mission the team was glad to relax a bit, they were starting to feel like they needed a bit more of a challenge. At the moment they were just hanging out in a small alley wondering what to do next. Of course now all the genins were had weapon holsters, Naruto's was on his back, while Sasuke's was behind his lower back. Sakura had used the holders for her tonfas behind her back as well as it was the easiest place to keep them.

"Oh man I'm so bored," Naruto whined, "Why couldn't we have trained or done more missions? Plus Teams 8 and 10 are busy with their own missions. This just sucks."

"Well why didn't Kakashi-sensei wanted to continue with training Naruto?" Sakura asked him feeling just as bored. Although the training she was getting made her feel stronger, the fact that Anko was helping her with the weapons was something that she looked forward to and dreaded. The woman was good there was no question about that but the woman also was scary.

"I don't know," Naruto shrugged. Maybe his dad just needed some time but the only thing he said was that there was someone he needed to see and just disappeared.

"This is pointless," Sasuke said pushing himself off the wall. "We should train or something if not then I can go home and work on my fire jutsus."

Naruto felt like he needed to train too but he felt like he needed something different. They had been training together for two weeks now and it was kind of getting predictable. Maybe something new and unexpected was in order the only problem was that who would be up for some training/sparring? The others in their age group were all busy and it wasn't like any of the adults could spare anything.

Then it hit Naruto just who might be up for just that, if there was one teacher and student that would be up for something they would be.

"Oh hey I know just who to train with!" Naruto said excitedly. "I think they might still be in the village too and I know where they train!"

"Naruto slow down," Sakura yelled at him, "Who are you talking about?"

"Oh right sorry," Naruto scratched the back of his head slightly embarrassed. "Well you know Hinata-chan's cousin?"

Sakura nodded, she and the others had met the boy at Naruto's sometimes. He was kind of cold although Ino loved the boy's hair and was even a bit jealous of it as well. She remembered how the cool Hyuga boy had been surprised when Ino ran up to him begging for his secrets of his hair care.

"Yeah well Neji's team is a year ahead of us and he's been trained by Uncle Gai. Trust me he'd love to have his team go up against ours just because he's my dad's rival." There was another reason and that was because Naruto wanted another sparring match against Lee. With his new moves and skills he was now ready to take on the older boy.

Sasuke gave a small grunt, "What's so special about this group besides that you know them?"

Sasuke didn't really see anything important about this team, besides how could they challenge them? Although he wouldn't admit it out loud they were most likely the best team in their class. Sakura was proving to be better than he had originally thought and liked that she took her training seriously. Although he wished she would stop acting like a fan girl whenever he gave her attention it was seriously annoying. Plus Naruto had always been someone he had to push himself to stay ahead of as well.

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