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The first thing that Kakashi noticed was that he wasn't alone in his bed. He was on his back and felt the warmth of a body pressed up against his and looked down and he couldn't help but smile. There was Anko sleeping snuggled up to him and using his shoulder to sleep on. He remembered last night and couldn't stop his smile getting larger. Last night had been the best night he had in a long time, the date had been very nice and then last night's 'activities' was more enjoyable then he thought.

He looked to see her hair was down for once and how it framed her face, she looked a lot better with her hair down like this. With his free hand he drew it up and slowly moved aside a strand of hair in her face. She looked so much peaceful asleep and he didn't want to wake her, so he just looked at her memorizing her face at this moment. She sighed as she tried to snuggle closer to him making him smirk; she was totally different in this moment.

She seemed too soft and open like this, there were no masks put in place. He felt like he could see the real her and he liked what he saw. Eventually he realized they would need to get up, in fact he really needed to pee at this moment and gently shook her shoulder.

"Anko, time to wake up." He said.

"Mmmmm, five more minutes," she muttered.

"Come on we need to get up, we can't spend all day in bed," he told her.

"Why not?"

He had to think of an answer as besides his bathroom need, he would rather spend the day in bed like this. "Naruto will be up soon and when he sees us, I'd rather not come looking for me to find us like this."

Although the mental scaring of this image would be pretty funny in Anko's opinion, she knew that he had a point. She slowly pushed herself up and stretched out yawning. She noticed Kakashi staring at her and she smirked at him going into a more sensual pose. "Like what you see?"

Kakashi really could see this being a scene from one of his favourite books, hell Anko could be a star in a movie about them. Although on second thought, he liked the idea of having her and her naked glory all to his own. "Well can't say I can see anything to complain about."

"You got that right!" Anko smiled at him and then she got a more serious face on. "Say...about last night. It wasn't a one time thing was it?"

Kakashi blinked in confusion, did this mean that she was changing her mind about this? He thought that they wouldn't have any regrets about last night but then again there was a bit of drinking but nothing too bad. He was surprised at himself how the thought of her wanting nothing more than just maybe friendship made him feel. The truth was he was actually looking forward to this, he couldn't remember ever feeling like that with another woman before.

Anko was a little nervous when Kakashi didn't say anything she wasn't looking at him and felt the bed shift. Then she felt those strong arms wrap around her body and his head nestled into her shoulder. It felt nice being held like this, in fact she never remembered anyone actually just holding her.

"To tell you the truth I don't want it to be just a one time thing," He told her. "I...well I want to try things out with you that is if you want to."

Anko gave herself a small smile as she twisted around and planted a soft kiss on his lips for her answer.


Naruto wasn't sure where he was, it was night and he looked around as he seemed to be in a wooded area but he didn't know it. He wasn't sure how long he had been walking but he just walked on. Then he heard the water and went towards it hoping to find something. By the time the forest opened up he saw a large lake.

There wasn't anything special about the area but then there was a lot of bubbling from the center of the lake. He got himself ready into a fight stance and waited but what rose up only confused the genin. He thought it was going to be some ninja or maybe a lake monster or something. Instead it looked like a large bowl of ramen with a cap on the top. Naruto blinked in confusion wondering what was going on, then the top of it opened up.

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