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Naruto was leading Konohamaru through to the park and they talked on the way there, he got to learn a bit more about Konohamaru on the way there. Apparently he was an only child and liked a lot of things, although the boy hadn't had ramen yet so he resolved to fix that mistake as soon as possible. Konohamaru also learned a few things like that Naruto knew his uncle Asuma well from Naruto's father and the Hatake poker games. The two were having some fun talking when they arrived at the park and Naruto started to look for Hinata.

He didn't have to look far as he saw Hinata pushing her little sister on a swing set, the usually reserved little sister was actually smiling. Hanabi usually acted much like a 'typical' Hyuga inside the compound but when Hinata got her outside to play she could just be a little kid again. He also saw that Hinata wasn't alone this time as Neji was there as well most likely as the 'body guard' for the Main House members. Although he looked impassive there with his arms crossed just watching Naruto could tell that he was enjoying the sight of his cousins playing.

"Hey Hinata-chan, Hanabi-chan, Neji!" Naruto called out to them all and they looked. Neji nodded to him, as Hanabi gave a small wave while Hinata smiled and gave a timid little wave with a blush.

They walked up and Naruto smiled at them, "Hey guys I'd like you to meet Konohamaru Sarutobi. Konohamaru this is Hinata, Hanabi and Neji Hyuga."

"Hey nice to meet you guys," Konohamaru smiled behind his scarf.

"Sarutobi," Neji said thinking about that name, "Are you related to the Hokage?"

Konohamaru stiffened a little and his shoulders dropped, he really didn't want them to know about that right off the bat now he could already seeing them being nice to him just because he was the Hokage's grandson. He hated that like how the parents of other kids made their kids try to be friends with him even if they didn't like him just because they could get close to the Sarutobi family. He found that out pretty fast and put a stop to it by usually acting like a jerk so they would leave him alone.

Although there were at least two kids that he knew at school that seemed okay but only time would tell with them.

Naruto saw the downcast look on the boy's face and had a feeling what he was feeling, "Yeah he's the grandson of the Old Man but he hates being called Honorable Grandson and all that crap."

Hinata came forward and bent down to face the boy and gave him a kind smile, the kid looked up at the girl and he had to admit she looked really friendly and kind of pretty too. "Don't w-w-worry we know what that's like g-g-growing up in the Hyuga clan, Hanabi and myself are the daughters of the l-leader of our clan so I know what that is like."

Konohamaru smiled at the girl it wasn't often that he could find someone that seemed to know what it was like. He turned to see that the girl on the swings had jumped off and was walking up to him, she looked kind of like her older sister only with longer hair. She seemed to be looking at him oddly and it was making him a little nervous until the girl looked up at Naruto with a glint of humour on her pearl like eyes.

"Are you brainwashing little kids now to be like you Naruto-niisan?" Hanabi smirked a little.

"What? Why do you say that?" Naruto demanded.

"He looks a bit like you with his scarf covering his face," she pointed out.

"Is there anything wrong with that?" Naruto said.

Hanabi looked at Konohamaru and tilted her head a bit after a moment she shook her head, "No nothing wrong with it." Konohamaru wasn't sure why but he felt his cheeks heat up a bit from the girl looking at him like that and saying it. He didn't know why but she seemed to be more confident than her older sister that was for sure.

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