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After the battle of the bridge the surviving men that Gato had hired were taken and placed into a storage building until the proper authorities could take them away for trail. After that and some clean up the entire village was celebrating, after Gato's death it was like an entire weight had been lifted from all their lives. Being in constant fear and poverty had taken its toll on them all and now they had an excuse to celebrate.

All over the village people were laughing and having fun, they were still poor but now with Gato out of the way they could start up their businesses again without giving Gato his cut, which was where most of their profits had gone to.

The genin were also living it up mostly, as everyone saw the Konoha ninja as heroes of the village.

There was one ninja that wasn't celebrating however and that was Zabuza, he wasn't really a party type of guy and was sitting on the house of the bridge builder working on his blade. He had cleaned all the blood and gore off it and now he was sharpening it as he had done countless times.

"What do you want Hatake," Zabuza asked not even looking at his blade.

Kakashi wasn't surprised that Zabuza had sensed him after all the man had been in Mist's version of ANBU.

"Just wondering why you're up here instead of taking part of the celebrations." He said without a care.

"Hn, I tried to kill the old man and they want to throw a party with me? No thanks, besides I'm not a people person." He told Kakashi looking at his work.

Kakashi nodded himself as he looked over the village, a part of him was glad that they had fulfilled the mission as they had. Too many times he had seen too much death and destruction it was a bit nice to finally see the good that could come out of missions like this. He only wished he could see how much better the village would become.

"You're still sending the medics right?" Zabuza had the slight hint of a threat in his words giving Kakashi a reminder of what happened to the last man that tried to screw him over.

"They should be arriving soon enough," Kakashi said honestly. "But the big question is what will you do now?"

That had been something the missing-nin had been thinking about since he got up on the roof. Once Haku was healed he wasn't exactly sure plus there was the problem of hunter ninja showing up while the kid was healing too.

"Honestly...not sure. We'll have to be on the move again as soon as he's ready with the price on my head."

Kakashi nodded again, trying to kill a Kage was a major crime in the ninja world. Normally when a ninja went rogue if they didn't go out on their own they tried to join another village. But for his crime no village would trust him and even if they did, it could mean war with Mist. That village wouldn't stand for anyone helping someone that tried to kill their leader and would go to any lengths for it.

Kakashi had been thinking about this as well, it wasn't like he could just join Konoha. First off the elders on the council would have a fit, plus Konoha was enjoying its peace and war with Mist of all places was something many avoided. It wasn't defeat as more of the bloody cost that deterred war with them, after all there were no other ninja village that turned out more blood thirty ninja then they did.

"So you'll be hunted until you're dead huh," Kakashi said more of a statement than a question.

"Unless I can gather the funds to bring up an army with me, but I was running low before Gato and with him gone it's going to be tough." The Mist nin told the man.

Kakashi was silent a moment before he said something, "What if you were dead?"


"Well," Kakashi put his hands into his pockets looking up, "what if I said in my report that you were killed? Word would get out and they would drop the hunt."

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