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While they talked on Naruto noticed one kid who was off on the side, he wore a coat with dark glasses and had the bottom of his coat covering his face with messy brown hair on top. Naruto watched as the kid was eating by himself but he seemed to break off some small pieces of his food and place it on the ground. Naruto was wondering why when he saw small black bugs come out from his sleeve and go to the food. Naruto was wondering why the kid had bugs in his coat, although they seemed to be doing what he said too.

Naruto just shrugged it off as someone asked him a question. The rest of the day went by pretty well at least although Naruto learned one aspect of school that he would hate until the last day of his life in school. The most dreaded word that would go into his list of words that he hated and that word was homework.

Naruto sighed as he walked home with his new books and stuff all the while muttering to himself about how he spent all day learning stuff and doing work and now he had to take work home with him? Sometimes life just didn't seem fair to Naruto, and then his mind began to wonder about how to liven things up at school. A few ideas started to form and he couldn't wait until he started his plan to make school less boring and one target he would love to try it out on was Sasuke, that guy needed to get that stick removed and he was going to make that boy liven up even if it killed him.

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