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It was the day that everyone was waiting for, the day the teams would be made known to them and everyone was eager to get to the academy and see where they would be placed. Naruto of course was no exception as he had blown through his kitchen, past his father without eating. Kakashi was so surprised that Naruto had actually skipped breakfast but he figured he was going to stop by the ramen stand first. Normally he wouldn't let him but it was a special day after all. Turns out that was exactly where he went and after that he went over to Hinata's to walk her to school like normal.

He was still a little uneasy about walking into her place but so far no one seemed to be glaring at him, although Hanabi kept grinning at the two of them making both of them uncomfortable. So they were on their way to school with Naruto talking the entire time on what possible teams they would be put on.

"N-Naruto-kun do you think w-we'll be put onto the same team?" She asked him. She was hoping that they would be since that meant she would get to see him all the time and go on missions together. She always had her own little dreams of the both of them working together on missions and of course most of those dreams ended with them alone together sharing a moment. One that she really remembered was one where they had been older and were in a forest, they were tracking someone and they came to this beautiful grotto and Naruto had taken her in his arms and told her how beautiful she was and then he kissed her.

She blushed a bit remembering those dreams, they were always her favourite.

Naruto thought about it, he wouldn't mind having Hinata on his team she was his first real friend he ever made and he admired her skills. She was preferable over some of the others like Sasuke he really hoped he wasn't on his team since they could only stand each other for short periods anyway.

"I think that would be great Hinata-chan, we would kick major ass I just know it," He said happily and she smiled at that.

Then Naruto's face got a bit more serious as a thought hit him, they might not be put on a team after all and if that happened he wouldn't be able to see her every day like he had been. They would only get to see each other when they didn't have missions to run and who knew how that would work out.



"What if we're not on the same team?" He asked her and he saw her face fall at that news since it was something that could happen. "Hey let's promise something together okay?"

She looked at him expectedly wondering what he had in mind.

"Let's promise that we'll always be there for the other even if we're not on the same team and that we'll get really strong and help the other achieve their dreams and become the best ninjas there is, okay?

Hinata smiled and nodded her head she liked that idea and she would help Naruto become Hokage and also she felt that he would make a great Hokage one day. They entered into the classroom and it was the usual scene with the kids all talking excitedly amongst each other about who they'll be teamed up with and they couldn't wait to go on their first missions. Naruto and Hinata made for their friends who were gathered around a few tables.

A moment later Iruka came in with the folders for the teams, he took his place at the front of the class and smiled at the students. It had been a long time but they were finally ready to step out into the world, he only hoped that he had prepared them for what was to come ahead as he knew of the real tests that awaited them. Although he knew that some would pass while others failed it happened all the time but he had a very good feeling about this year.

He had seen some very promising students this year and for some reason he felt that they would show him that they would be ninjas that the village could be proud of.

Hatake Narutoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن