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Gai was walking down the streets of the village watching with a smile as Naruto was running around full of energy. He also noticed a few other things, most people would smile at the little boy but Gai caught a few glares at the boy. He knew full well of Naruto's little 'guest' inside of the boy but apparently word was getting around slowly about it. Gai honestly couldn't see why you could hate such a child but maybe the few of the elders on the council that had spoken of Naruto could have embellished certain details.

Meaning that they played up the demon role to the point that anyone would mistrust the boy.

Even he had heard rumours of things such as 'a demon child' that was around, they never mentioned Naruto by name but there were things such as the child having whisker marks. In a way they were getting around the Hokage's rule with not mentioning Naruto by name but still this was something that would only harm the boy.

Thankfully Naruto didn't notice this as he was too happy with the thought of ramen. Gai kept a look out for any trouble makers that is besides the two shadowy figures he sensed that were following them. Ninjas on the rooftops was a normal thing but after they had left Kakashi's he thought he felt a presence following them, as they walked on he kept an eye out and found not one but two.

They weren't bad either, they weren't a Jonin like he was most likely a high Chunin level of ninja. He couldn't turn his head to get a good look at them without giving away that he knew. So he kept an eye on them at any rate. He also continued to watch in amusement to how Naruto ran around with that huge smile on his face.

"Naruto here we are," he said and he led the boy under a tarp with a sign over it that read Ichiraku Ramen. "Hey there Ichiraku."

A man with an apron who was working the hot stove looked over his shoulder. "Ah Gai what are you doing here this fine day? And who is the little one?" he asked looking at Naruto.

Naruto had to go on his tip toes and pulled himself up just to look over the counter. He could smell ramen from here and he looked like a predator ready to eat its prey at all the ramen.

Gai smiled and ruffled his hair, "This is Naruto Hatake, and I'm taking care of him while his father is on a mission. And he seems to like ramen and you make the best in the city."

"You got that right!" He said with pride.

"Dad where is that extra stack of noodles?" Ayame the young teenage daughter walked in.

"I think under the counter dear."

"Okay," Then she turned to see a small blonde boy trying to get onto the stool. He obviously was having trouble. "Aww, whose the little cutie?"

Gai picked up Naruto and placed him on the stool.

"Naruto." He said happily wondering where his ramen was.

"He's so cute," She gushed at the little boy, he had these cute little marks and these beautiful blue eyes. She couldn't remember ever seeing anyone with eyes like his before. "So what do you want little man?"

"Ramen please!"

"What kind?" She asked.

Naruto thought about it, he wasn't sure he liked all types of ramen...well...not vegetarian for some reason. So he crossed his arms looking deep in thought then he suddenly got an idea. "All of it!"

Gai laughed and gave them an order, while all this was going on he felt that chakra of the ninja behind them. The partner didn't seem to be there so this could be the perfect time to see who was shadowing them. "Naruto I have to check on something, I'll be right back so be good okay?"


Naruto went back to waiting for his ramen, the little boy was almost bouncing in his seat in anticipation. Gai had to smile at the little boy's actions and went outside.

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