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It had been a couple of weeks and Kakashi finally managed to return home, they had finally found that base that Anko had remembered the only problem no one had been there for at least three months if not more. Basically Anko was pissed the entire trip back, and after all of that Kakashi was looking forward to getting back home and checking in on Naruto. He opened the door to his apartment feeling better just stepping inside of the door.

"Ah Kakashi you have finally returned!" A very loud voice said and Kakashi sighed, he had forgotten about him.

"Hey there Gai was it? How was Naruto, any problems?" He caught the look in Gai's face and decided to sit down for this one. Gai filled him in on the two ninjas that had attacked Naruto; Kakashi knew that something like this might happen the only problem was that he had hoped to have been there for him. He heard how the two ninjas were executed although their contact was never found.

It was hearing this that Kakashi was thinking of starting Naruto on his ninja training at the moment, Naruto needed to be able to protect himself as it clearly showed that he wouldn't be around to protect Naruto all the time. He had to make sure that Naruto could be able to defend himself when the time came.

"Thank you Gai, thank you for keeping Naruto safe," he finally said to him.

Gai grinned at him, "It was no trouble at all, although he was scared by the ordeal he seems to have come around."

Kakashi was glad to hear it, "So where is he?"

"Naruto, your father is home!" he called out and what came out would be something that gave Kakashi nightmares for two months. Naruto ran out dressed in a neon green one piece suit just like Gai's. He stood beside Gai giving a grind and a thumbs up at his father. Kakashi's only visible eye twitched at the horror before him. He was hoping that he was asleep or caught in a Genjutsu.

"Daddy you're back!" Naruto said happily.

Kakashi was too tired, and too sore to move, plus there was the shock to his system. On the one hand he wanted to thank Gai for saving his son on the other he wanted to kill him in ways that would make the most diehard ANBU throw up. So he would form a compromise, he would give Gai a fifteen minute head start before he hunted him down.

-One Year Later, Naruto Age 5-

"Again Naruto," Kakashi said.

Naruto was in training gear as he practiced another attack combo one a training dummy, he had been at it for a couple of hours now and he was tiring. Kakashi watched on as he pointed out flaws in Naruto's stance or movements.

Things had changed a bit for them in that year, they have moved out of the apartment and Kakashi went back to his family home. It was a modest place, but it had a very large backyard with a high brick wall that fenced out the home. It was so strange being back here, the place had to be cleaned up when he got there and he started to tidy the place up when he moved back in. He remembered all the memories of this place, all those long forgotten things that came rushing back. How his mother would be cooking in the morning, how his father would train him like he was doing with Naruto now.

The only thing that had been a major problem had been that one room, the room that his father had taken his own life in, for months he couldn't face that room. But in the end he figured if he had to live in this place he would do something about it. It had been a large tea room but he turned it into a training room, the room was so different now that he sometimes forgot what had happened in it.

Naruto of course had loved the new home, he spent all week running around, playing everywhere and loved the large yard. There was a few trees and he kept on trying to climb them, he kept falling but he only dusted himself off and tried again. It was like he refused to ever let anything beat him, something Kakashi knew he got from his biological father.

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