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It was October 10th and it would forever be known as the darkest day in the history of the ninja village of the Hidden Leaf. It was the day the dreaded nine tailed fox demon attacked their land and their village. It was a huge monster, it's red chakra could be seen and felt by people over a mile away. The ninjas that survived the battle would still be able to tell how they could feel the killer intent of the giant fox demon, how it felt like a giant weight crushing them. But they had to protect their village and so they fought on, many died in that battle, attacks against the demon were brushed aside as though they were nothing, scores of ninjas died when it counter attacked.

It was a pure nightmare that battle that night, many thought that it was the end of things. That they would all die and then it would go on and attack their village killing everyone they held dear.

But it was their leader the Fourth Hokage a man named Minato Namikaze that ended it all. There was only one thing he could do. At that moment he stood on the mountain looking over the battle, he held a small bundle in his arms. The man was tall with yellow spike hair and blue eyes as he looked on with a great sadness in his heart. The bundle in his arms moved and he looked down and smiled at the little boy that had just been born.

"I'm sorry Naruto I have no choice. I have to save the village and there is only one technique I know of that will do it." He smiled at the young boy and his heart broke knowing this was the only time he would ever hold his son like this.

"You deserve more than this my son, you deserve to live with your family." He closed his eyes, the mother of his child Kushina Uzumaki, the greatest love of his life had died in childbirth. She had suffered an injuring in the attack and went into labour. But it was difficult and she had lost too much blood, all the medical nins were at the front line and so he had been there for his love before she had died with their son in her arms.

He placed a tarp over her body, she was still back there in his personal quarters. He couldn't leave her side even at a time like this but she was gone now and a large part of his heart went with her. They hadn't even been officially married since the damn council didn't approve of him marrying someone outside of their village. But he still loved her and she loved him, they had stayed together and had to keep his relationship a secret. Only a trusted few like his old sensei Jiraiya, his last student Kakashi, and the previous Hokage.

But now he had to make yet another sacrifice. He had left a note for those closest to him in his chambers. And he had one on his persons just in case, but tonight was the night he knew he was going to die. There was an odd peace to it, in a way he would see his beloved again, but he didn't want to leave this life. He loved his village and the people and he wanted to see his son grow up. He felt the stings in his eyes at his tears started to fall, how he wanted to see little Naruto grow up.

But he was Hokage, he had to protect the village and his duty out weighted what he wanted in life. He just hoped that Naruto would one day forgive him and understand why he had to leave him. He had left one of his tags he used for his Flaying Thunder God technique, something he used that teleported him around the same technique that earned him the name the 'Yellow Flash'.

In an instant he was transported across the area, he could hear the battle going on as he appeared among his people.

"Hokage!" A few cried out.

"Keep the line! I want you to try and keep it still!" He ordered out. Ninjas went out to surround the beast which wasn't an easy task.

He felt the presence of a old friend behind him, "So finally here, how is she?"

He turned to see the Toad Sage Jiraiya there, he had arrived just in time to help things out. Next to him he could see Sarutobi with him. Even though retired as Hokage the old man was still here in his black and grey battle armour fighting as well. There was no surprise in that but they saw the look on the young man's face and both older men felt that something horrible happened.

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