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Deep in the depths of the village in an old facility that was once used as the training facility for the once powerful organization ROOT, a group that was the birthplace of ANBU. Although they're methods were seen by many has inhumane and repulsive despite the results they got in how many elite ninja they created. And it was none other than the third Hokage that put an end to ROOT as many of its members were put into disgrace, especially their leader a man only known as Danzo.

He was an older man who was crippled years ago, his leg was shattered and he could barely move it anymore without a cane, then there was the fact that his arm hung uselessly in his robe and half his face was hidden by the bandages and yet despite that he never seemed to care about how his body was mangled. In fact he still had a commanding presence and those that underestimated him soon found out that was the last mistake they would make.

Currently he was overlooking one of the few training areas that were kept in shape. Despite how the place was falling apart because of how little resources they had and personnel that were still loyal to ROOT, the place was a shadow of its former glory. Dirt piled up, whole areas were no longer in use, the place was depressing and cold feeling to it all but that didn't matter to those that worked here. They were ROOT and such little things like that mattered little to those that saw themselves as true shinobi.

Danzo was on a balcony looking as a few of the youths that he still had were put through their training, it was brutal as always with no mercy shown and any hint of emotion was punished. A true ninja had no emotions as they only got in the way, that was the way of ROOT.

"It's been a long time Fugaku," Danzo said feeling the presence of the Uchiha leader coming up behind him.

"Sharp as ever I see," the man said with little emotion as he looked down at the training. The boys and girls were pale from lack of sun and a few looked like they were about to drop dead. But that mattered little to him, this was not his affair. "I've been wondering why you've ignored my request to get rid of the boy."

"The boy is a possible danger of that I agree with you, however...he could also be a powerful weapon in the right hands."

The Uchiha gave him a calculating look, "Is that why you refused to help me get rid of him all those years ago?"

Danzo said nothing for a bit, "Yes, you were too hasty. If the boy does prove to be a danger well I have plans for that, I can already see that one of my students will be the most powerful of this generation and if need be I'll send him against any who are a threat to this village. As for the boy...can you honestly say that a ninja with the power of that fox under the control of this village would be such a bad thing? Image just how powerful he could become."

"That's one of the things I fear that he'll be too powerful one day."

"Fear...or is it that your pride will refuse anyone that is stronger than an Uchiha?" The crippled asked and saw the other man's eyes close slightly in anger.

"Somehow I doubt that you'll get your hands on the boy, his father is not easily killed and he has the protection of the Hokage as well as other Jonins, even that bitch of a student of Orochimaru seems to taken a shine to the boy." Fugaku had never liked Anko Mitarashi, he didn't trust her given who her sensei was and the fact that she had embarrassed his clan with how easily she defeated one of his better ninjas in the Chunin exams. It had been a humiliating defeat for the boy and not only his pride but the pride of his clan had been shamed in front of the entire village and of others.

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