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Naruto had been pouring over the scroll and he just couldn't decide on what to try and learn, there were so many cool things that he never even heard of. There were elemental attacks, defensive jutsus, genjutsus but since he sucked at those he just skipped them entirely. He was like a kid in a candy store and he just wanted to learn them all if he could. Hinata was looking with him but something was wrong to her, all these moves were way too advanced for them so why was the test to take this scroll if it held such dangerous looking techniques? Everyone had some type of warning to it and she was starting to worry that maybe they took the wrong one.

"Man Hinata-chan this is awesome which one should we try for?" he asked her.

"I-I don't know I mean th-these look a little too dangerous..."

He just shrugged, "Hey the shadow clone is in here and I use that so how bad could it be? Oh cool something with lightning that should be great!"

"Um w-w-wasn't your affinity wind?" Naruto looked at her a little confused as to what she meant, "You remember w-w-when Iruka-sensei tested us for affinities...the paper that changed w-when we touched it?"

Naruto thought hard but he honestly had been thinking about something else, he kind of remembered a paper being passed around but he was too busy making doodles in his notes of him beating up Sasuke to pay much attention. Hinata saw this and sweat dropped that he could forget his own elemental affinity, she herself learned that hers was water but Hyuga's didn't use much jutsus in battle and mainly used their gentle fist style a lot.

"N-Naruto-kun yours was wind remember?"

He just shrugged, "Sorry but if you say so then let me see...oh here's a cool one, vortex fist."

"No don't!" Hinata said stopping him from making the hand seals, "L-look at the warning."

Naruto looked and reading it over the jutsu was used to make a condensed wind in your fist, then with a punching motion you sent out a blast of powerful wind that would rip to shreds anything in its path the downside was that it could also rip apart the users hand and arm if they weren't careful and in bold it said that only seasoned jonin should even attempt it. Naruto looked at his hand and even though he had two he wasn't sure he wanted his arm ripped off.

"Man this sucks what can I do then?" He asked as he looked around some more and then his eye caught something, "Huh what's this? Exploding Shadow Clones..."This looked like it would work for him and he read the name and it was credited to have been made by an Itachi Uchiha. Naruto thought back and he wasn't sure if he remembered someone like that or not. It sounded very familiar to him for some reason but he just shrugged.

Sasuke was the only one left now but he wouldn't ask him if he knew the guy, most likely it was just some clan member that he wouldn't have known anyway. Naruto looked at it but it was kind of complicated so he asked Hinata for help. It would be later when Mizuki eventually showed up and put on his smile again as he came to the two children.

"Well I'm most impressed you two managed to do it, you're parents will be very proud of you two." Mizuki lied to them.

"Yeah I knew it, it wasn't hard at all they barely even tried to stop us anyway," Naruto grinned and scratched the back of his head.

Hinata stepped forward looking a little worried, "Uh...M-mizuki-sensei I-I think we took the wrong scroll."

"Oh and what is that?" He asked her.

She fiddled with her fingers as Naruto rolled it up, "I-It's just that, what's in it is way too advanced for g-genins. W-why would that be the scroll for the test when a-any genin that took it could do a lot of harm with it?"

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