seventy-six; sexist comic book workers

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Ohhhh boy. I went to our local comic book store today which is pretty small to look for one thing in particular; one of the Quicksilver comics. I just wanted the first issue, published in 1997. I did my research before going, to make sure I wasn't just asking questions that would make the employee look at me like a little girl who just wants to read it because of the movie.

Sadly.... the opposite happened.

Our comic book store is pretty small. I felt my hopes start decreasing as soon as we walked in. There was still a chance, though. They had Marvel, that was promising. Though, what comic book store doesn't? I started looking around with my brother, sister and dad. The man working said "if you need help finding something, just ask," so I was a little relieved. If I couldn't find it myself, maybe he'd know where it was.

I was looking around, all of these comics I wanted to buy but wasn't going to because the price were sky high. Finally, I gave up looking myself after looking through the Marvel boxes about 7 times. My dad asked, because he knows I hate confrontation, if they had the Quicksilver comics. The man laughed and said "Those comics haven't been made in over a decade" which I knew. "He's in countless Xmen and a few Avenger comics as well" which I also knew. At this point, I was getting frustrated. I went back to the front and looked through the Xmen. I knew what issue Quicksilver first appeared in.

While I'm looking here, the man turns to me and says, "Quicksilver doesn't look like he did in the movie, I'm telling you that right now." I was livid. Is that the only reason you think I want a Quicksilver comic book? Because he was cute in the movie? "I know" I retorted, the embarrassment was threatening to engulf me. I knew that I shouldn't be embarrassed; yet I was. It made me feel low, like a tiny human being just waiting to be squished. He wouldn't have said that to my brother, if he asked.

Here's the best part, I still buy a comic book because weak and wanted Ant Man.

Oh... woe is me. I felt like crying all the way home. This isn't the first time I've gone into a comic book store and received a sexist comment. Of course I think of brilliant remarks after we've left.


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