three; God, I am science, Australia

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but fo real. If you watched the debate about Evolution and Creationism..... you're probably feeling the same way.

This super thick accented Australian dude decided to say he was right, but had NO facts to prove anything. BTW; his name was Ken Ham.

Ken. Ham.

So our lovely Bill Nye (the science guy) *instrumental*, got up there supporting what I believe (Evolution) with real facts and real answers and proof. PROOF.

Like the Ham kept saying "No one knows." EXACTLY, no one knows. No one WILL know until they die. It's obvious.

But the thing that struck me, was the guy thought he was R I G H T. At least Bill had the brains to listen to Ken's statement. Ken just rolled his eyes when it was Bill's turn.

Ken Ham spent his 30+ minute talking about all the creatonists that are scientists, and how they should teach this in schools. He didn't give us ANY facts or information that the world only started 6,000 years ago.

My favorite part was QUESTION TIME.

Basically, they got a question from the audience, one at a time, and had to answer within two minutes. After that, the other person answered the question in one minute.

So Ken Ham just kept saying how " no one knows" and " the bible is historically correct" and then my HERO Bill would stand up and go; "I am not satisfied with your answer" and use his superpowers to shock the guy with his eyes.

Okay maybe that bit happened in my head... but you get the point.

I am a Christian, and I believe in a god. But I also believe that there was a world BEFORE God.

These people don't believe in Dinosaurs, Cavemen, none of it. BUT WE HAVE PROOF DON'T YOU SEE.

So you know a whole bunch of facts from Bill Nye (the science guy) but "I have the bible" from Ken Ham. We don't even know if any of it is true. We don't know if cave men were real. If any of it EVER happened. Did Noah actually build an ark to house 14,000 animals for one year?

We'll just have to wait and see.

more rants to come.xoxo

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