one; complete idiots

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does anyone else hate when those completely STUPID people invade our social media? But the thing is... they think that they're NOT stupid... or idiots. Of course they don't. BUT WHEN PEOPLE CORRECT THEM;

humanoid: "Hey you spelled 'hey' wrong,"

Idiot: "Oh yeah, sorry," giggles.


There's this person- I take that back; people. There are people I know that are teenagers and DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPELL. For example:

correct spelling of "ice": i c e

incorrect spelling: i s e

1. DOES IT EVEN LOOK RIGHT?! I think no. I can assure you I don't put i s e in my water. I put i c e in it; as in frozen water.

2. DID YOU ASK SOMEONE? Nope. If you don't know how to spell something, it's okay to ask. I promise.

3. IS SPELL CHECK ON? I don't think so. It would've corrected your dear spelling.

NO. I am not saying people aren't smart, or dumb, or stupid; but when it happens ALL THE TIME with simple words that my 8 year old brother knows how to spell... I get annoyed. I don't say anything because I know out in the world there are people that can't put two and two together and spell. It's a glitch in the system, I know; my brother has it, but I know he can spell ice.

But, maybe that's just me.

this is in NO WAY offending any of you lovely people reading this book. It is simply me, letting of steam to the internet. I can't say most of this stuff in real life to anyone, so it's nice to let loose.

More rants to come. xoxo

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