five; "omg that is so mainstream"

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Dedicated to one of my WP bestie. ly:)

Okay seriously. Let's just... take a moment to realize that. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SUPPOSE TO EVEN MEAN? That it goes down the same river as the rest of the fish?! What?!

That's right... I'm talking about "hipsters" or those people who clog up our instagrams, saying that they had a mustache before it was cool, that One Republic is too mainstream for them. Like Seriously. People tell me a lot that my music taste is "too mainstream." WELL I'M SORRY I LIKE KATY PERRY OKAY.

1. why would you ever judge someone for their music taste?! That's cruel. If they like a type of music, let them like THAT type of music.

2. We all listen to it, so shut your slobber factory (your mouth). It's on the radio, online, on commercials. And EVERYONE sings it from time to time.

3. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND SIT DOWN. Just because you don't think it's good music, doesn't mean you're the queen/king, Kay?

OH and we can't forget those people that are all like;

"I bought those jeans way before they were in style." NO ONE EVEN GIVES A FLYING FLAPJACK. No one really cares that you bought them a month before the trend. That's just.... back this truck up okay.

Most of these people aren't even hipsters. They've trained their minds to think they're better than the rest of us. THE URBAN DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF HIPSTER IS:

Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.

When a 14 year old is wearing nerd glasses and telling you that your artwork is "so last year" tell them to take a walk.


more rants to come. xoxo

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