four; Tweeter

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Yes, Twitter. TWITTER TWITTER TWITTER. It's like one of the top social networking sites, right? We can connect with celebrities, people with the same interests, friends, family. Now, let me tell you what's SO ANNOYING about it. 

I love Twitter. I use it all the time. But it's also quite frustrating. 

1. I see EVERYONE'S TWEETS. Obviously I'll see everyone's that I follow, but I hate that I see Re-tweets. I know the reason, but they tick me off because it clogs up my time line. 

2. Over-tweeters. The people that tweet EVERY 3 SECONDS. Example;

@overtweeter1: Bought a new sweater today. it's so cute. 

@overtweeter1: It's a bit big on me though

@overtweeter1: I'll wear it anyways, loll. 

THESE ARE LIKE... 3 SECONDS APART. It annoys me SO MUCH. I know celebrities do it, but SERIOUSLY. Especially if I have my notifications turned on for someone. I'll go to bed and forget to plug in my phone. It'll be at 30% or so. When I wake up, I'll have 30+ tweets from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and my battery percentage at 8%. 


3. The crazy fans. This clogs up my time line more than anything. The people that won't leave the poor celebrity alone. Every time they tweet something, they'll go; "Why don't you follow me" or something along those lines.

I love Twitter. But I HATE IT. I dunno about you. 

Yeah... so I'm pretty sure this sums everything up. Goodnight, batches. I love youuuu!

more rants to come! xoxo

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