fifty-one; what guys look for in a girl

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I cannot tell you how extremely mad Nash Grier's video with JC and Cameron made me. Trust me. I think Nash is cute and Cam is cute and JC is cute... but this is the thing... their mouths aren't so cute.

That's the whole problem!

I do not want to be told how and when to shave my arms. If I want to shave my arms; I'll shave my arms. If I don't; I WON'T! So apparently I have to be 'aventurous, entertaining, good at video games but not too good' and as clean shaven as a baby's bum for you to like me. I understand boys/girls  make videos like these ALL the time; but they word it differently. 

 smart people called it "what I look for in a guy". They worded it "what guys look for in a girl" and makes it sound like EVERY guy on EARTH is exactly like that and likes all of that. I'm pretty sure they're smarter.

It just made me really mad. I don't know anymore. I should go to bed.

more rants to come. xx

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