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"TELL ME HOW TO GET RID of Malivore now," Jaxon said, wanting to know how to get rid of that hell dimension.

"So here's the thing..." Hades began pacing around while Jaxon watched him, anticipation rushing through his veins. "Since you're more powerful now, once you've jumped inside the pit, you'll be able to withstand all the absorbed powers from Malivore but for only twenty four hours."

"So I'll have twenty four hours to find a way to get rid—"

"— Let me finish," Hades interrupted, showing Jaxon his hand to cut his words short. "As I was saying, you'll have only twenty four hours to get rid of all the black magic inside you. You'll need a very powerful witch who has dealt with great deal of dark magic before to transfer it to some object much like with the sandclock. Then you'll bring the object up here, to me. I'll handle the rest. I'll even prevent people from forgetting you somehow. How does that sound to you?"

"And do you know any witch who has dealt with a great deal of dark magic before?"

"I do, actually." The god of the underworld nodded to his son, "Bonnie Bennett. I wouldn't go to your witch friends if I were you, they have enough on their plates."

"What makes you think that Bonnie will help me?"

"Because she's best friends with Caroline Forbes," Hades said with a shrug, "and you've known her ever since you were what? Thirteen? She won't say no to you."

"She can say no to using dark magic," Jaxon defended, "it could kill her."

"And you could bring her back," Hades offered a solution with a tone that said 'it is as easy as that', "although you'll be weak for a while but it's a small price to pay. So, what are you going to do, Jaxon?"

"I'll go to see Bonnie," Jaxon sighed, "do you know where she is? Can you like telep—"

"— On it." Hades snapped his fingers and Jaxon found himself standing in front of a door with the number 6 written on it in gold. He looked around to find that he was standing in an empty hallway as realisation dawned upon him; he was in a hotel.

He brought his hand up and reluctantly knocked at the door. Seconds later, the door was opened, revealing the familiar witch whose eyes widened at the sight of the demigod. "Jaxon?"

"Hey," He flashed her a smile, "I was wondering if I could talk to you real quick."

"Of course," Bonnie held a confused look on her face as she stepped aside, motioning for him to get in which he did and she closed the door behind. "What is so important that you had to come all the way to Italy to talk about?"

"Oh," Jaxon looked around the small yet cozy apartment, "wait we're in Italy?"

Bonnie's confusion only grew, "you didn't know? Wait how did you get here if you—"

"— Long story," Jaxon looked at her, "short; my dad, Hades, teleported me to where you are so here I am." His eyes fell on the several pictures in frames on the bedside tables and other places as well. They were pictures of her and Enzo, looking pretty happy. Bonnie stared to where he was looking at and a sombre expression appeared on her face.

"Enzo, right?" Jaxon asked while keeping his eyes set on the photos.

Bonnie hummed in response, clearing her throat to prevent her voice from breaking. After all this time, she was still not over him. "The one and only."

"You can still feel his presence though," Jaxon turned to the Bennett witch, feeling another presence with them in the room, "that dimension you created—"

"— Why are you here, Jaxon?" Bonnie asked, cutting him off. She didn't want to talk about Enzo, not wanting to break down in front of the demigod. "Surely, it can't be to talk about him."

"No, it's not." Jaxon cleared his throat, "sorry. I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"It depends," Bonnie sat on the edge of her bed, "what thing?"

"Malivore," Jaxon replied, "I'm sure Caroline has told you all about it."

"She has." The Bennett witch nodded, "what do you need my help with?"

"I can destroy it for good—" Jaxon began, walking over to a wall as he stood and faced Bonnie before leaning against it, "but I'll absorb all of it's dark magic and I'll need a witch to transfer it from me to some object."

"You want me to be that witch?" Bonnie asked, raising her brows as she ran this idea over and over in her head. "Malivore is made up of a lot of dark magic. I don't know if I'll be able to handl—"

"— You will," Jaxon assured, "you've dealt with a large amount of Dark Magic before. You —"

"— No, listen." She stood up, "I want to help you, I really do. But everytime I work with dark magic, it never ends—"

"— All I'm asking is for you to take it out of me to transfer it somewhere else." Jaxon interrupted, a pleading look in his eyes as he stared at the witch, "nothing's gonna go wrong. I need to be rid of this shit. He's causing so many problems. My friends— they— we can't have a normal life because of his daily dose of monsters. I just wanna be rid of it. Come on, I'll do anything you want in return. Just..."

"No, no, you don't have to give me anything in return, I'll do it." Bonnie sighed, giving in, "you're like a son to me." She gave him a small smile as she approached him while he pushed himself off the wall, "I'd do anything for you, really."

Jaxon smiled at the older woman, who somehow still looked exactly as she did years ago. "Thank you," his eyes flickered back to the framed pictures, "I'll owe you."

"No you won't," Bonnie waved him off, "now come here." She wrapped her arms around him, "god, you're so tall. I haven't even gotten the change to hug you!"

I honestly think that Bonnie deserved a happy ending more than anyone. Soooooo since I'm not Julie or what's-their-names— I'll do just that. This book's ending's gonna be lit.

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