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JAXON DIDN'T RETURN to Mystic falls after leaving the underworld. Even though Hades removed that part of him, he couldn't help but feel like it was still there. Shaking those feelings away, he went straight to Belgium to meet someone he needed to see. It had been too long. So, he sent her a text, asking her to meet him in some park.

The heir of the underworld stood in front of the fountain found in the park, his eyes staring in the water. A boy was beside him, making a wish before he tossed the coin inside.

"What did you wish for?" Jaxon couldn't help but ask the child. He was around seven years old, his hair were blond and his eyes were blue. The boy looked up at the demigod, "mom says my wish won't come true if I tell anyone about it."

"What's your name?"

"Damien," he replied, staring at Jaxon with curiosity.

"Well, Damien, what if I tell you that I can make your wish come true?" Jaxon raised his brows, flashing the kid a smile, "would you tell me then?"

"Hell yeah," he grinned at Jaxon before motioning for him to bend down to his level. "okay," he began with a whisper, "you see that girl there?" Damien pointed to a girl sitting on a bench, her parents on either side of her.

Jaxon lowered his hand in order not to make it obvious that they were talking about them, "yeah, what about her?"

"I have like a massive crush on her and I want her to like me back." Damien responded, a frown appearing on his face, "but the problem is; I can't even talk to her because her parents are always with her. We don't go to school together or anything. She comes here with her parents every day."

"You have a crush on someone you've never spoken to?"

"No, no, I have spoken to her before." Damien explained, "like twice. But her parents are— ugh."

Jaxon stared at the child in amusement. "So what do you want me to do? Get rid of the parents?"

"As in..." He trailed off, raising his small brows at the demigod, "... Kill them? God, no! I'm not that evil. I just want some time with her alone without them interrupting every damn time. How am I supposed to get her to like me back if I can't even talk to her?"

"So you wished for some time alone without their parents interrupting." Jaxon noted earning a nod from Damien, "yeah, now go on. Make my wish come true."

"All right," Jaxon stared at the two parents as he thought of a plan. However, before he could even blink, the two stood up and walked away together.

"Woah," Damien chuckled in amazement, "how the hell did you do that? I thought you were bluffing!"

Realisation hit Jaxon when he felt witches magic in the air. His lips cursed up as he turned around to find his best friend standing there. "Finally."

"Finally. They went to let off some steam," Penelope said with a laugh, "I've been learning new spells. Very dark. Very productive, though."

"Spells?" Damien repeated, his eyes widening, "holy shit! You're a witch!"

"You've got a mouth for a kid," Penelope looked down at him, "you won't tell anyone about it, right? Unless you want me to turn you into a rat, of course."

"N-No, I promise, I won't tell anyone!" Damien stuttered, taking several steps back, "I'm gonna go now. Thank you and bye!" The two watched as he made his way towards the girl and sat down on the bench next to her without hesitation.

"I like that kid," Penelope stated, her eyes moving from him to Jaxon, "I can't believe I'm saying this— but I've missed you."

"I haven't," Jaxon shrugged, rolling his eyes when Penelope punched him on the shoulder playfully, "you have! That's why you're here, idiot. Now come on, admit it."

"Even if we were the last person on earth, I'd never ever admit such a thing." Jaxon retorted and it was the Witch's turn to roll her eyes, "that's because you're a dick."

"You love me anyway," Jaxon threw an arm around her shoulders as they began walking around, "how's life without me? Bet it sucks."

Penelope let out a laugh, "oh it's actually a thousand million trillion times be—" she cut herself off with a sigh, "yeah, okay no. It's not. Life sucks here. It's so boring!"

"Haven't you made new friends?" Jaxon asked, "get new crushes? Hmm? Or are you still—"

"— I'm so over her," she interrupted before he could finish his sentence, "it was fun while it lasted. I did make new friends but they're not you."

"Aw," Jaxon mocked, "how touching."

"Fuck off," Penelope groaned, "I'm serious. They refuse to prank other students because it would affect their marks! Like oh god, they're boring sometimes. But whatever. Now that you're here, we can have some fun."

"I'm leaving tomorrow," Jaxon said, "I haven't told anyone that I'm coming here. But yeah, let's have some fun."

"Wait first tell me why you're here."

"To see you, of course."

Penelope narrowed her eyes at him, "yeah, no I'm so not buying that. Shoot. Come on, I know you. Tell me."

"I need one of your famous potions," he said, quickly jumping to an explanation when he noticed the look she was sending him, "— it's important. I have been facing some... problems with myself."


"You know, since my dad is you-know-who—" he shot the girl a glare which told her to shut up when she snorted at the name. Penelope made the gesture of zipping her lips shut as he continued, "there's this darkness kinda shit inside me and it's manifesting or something. It's bad and evil and I went to get rid of it. But it's gonna come back eventually and I don't know what's gonna happen. So, if I'm weak, vulnerable and all that, it would be easier for the others to put me down if necessary. You got it?"

"Uh-huh," Penelope nodded, "all right. I'll make another one for you. But don't you dare use it unless something happens. You got it?" She mimicked earning a nod from him. "Come on, I'll take you to my fav place here."

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